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Certifiable 3D Object Pose Estimation

Authors: Rajat Talak and Lisa Peng

This is an open-source implementation of our paper: "Certifiable 3D Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training". This repository helps reproduce the experimental results reported in the paper and provides trained models for use.


Our work solves the certifiable object pose estimation problem. In it, given a partial point cloud of an object, the goal is to estimate the object pose and provide certification guarantees.

R. Talak, L. Peng, L. Carlone, Certifiable 3D Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training, January 2023 [arXiv]

Abstract: We consider a certifiable object pose estimation problem, where ---given a partial point cloud of an object--- the goal is to not only estimate the object pose, but also to provide a certificate of correctness for the resulting estimate. Our first contribution is a general theory of certification for end-to-end perception models. In particular, we introduce the notion of $\zeta$-correctness, which bounds the distance between an estimate and the ground truth. We then show that $\zeta$-correctness can be assessed by implementing two certificates: (i) a certificate of observable correctness, that asserts if the model output is consistent with the input data and prior information, (ii) a certificate of non-degeneracy, that asserts whether the input data is sufficient to compute a unique estimate. Our second contribution is to apply this theory and design a new learning-based certifiable pose estimator. In particular, we propose C-3PO, a semantic-keypoint-based pose estimation model, augmented with the two certificates, to solve the certifiable pose estimation problem. C-3PO also includes a keypoint corrector, implemented as a differentiable optimization layer, that can correct large detection errors (\eg due to the sim-to-real gap). Our third contribution is a novel self-supervised training approach that uses our certificate of observable correctness to provide the supervisory signal to C-3PO during training. In it, the model trains only on the observably correct input-output pairs produced in each batch and at each iteration. As training progresses, we see that the observably correct input-output pairs grow, eventually reaching near 100% in many cases. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the corrector, the certification, and the proposed self-supervised training using the ShapeNet and YCB datasets. The experiments show that (i) standard semantic-keypoint-based methods (which constitute the backbone of C-3PO) outperform more recent alternatives in challenging problem instances, (ii) C-3PO further improves performance and significantly outperforms all the baselines, (iii) C-3PO's certificates are able to discern correct pose estimates. We release the implementation and an interactive visualization of all the results presented in this paper at: and

If you find this repository useful, do cite our work:

  title = {Certifiable 3D Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training},
  author = {Talak, Rajat and Peng, Lisa and Carlone, Luca},
  year = {2023},
  month = {Jan.},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv: 2206.11215},
  eprint = {2206.11215},
  note = {\linkToPdf{}},
  Year = {2023}


Clone the repository and install a conda environment from the yml file:

git clone --depth 1 
cd C-3PO/
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate c3po

Setup the repository with dataset and downloaded pre-trained models. See instructions here


Data Analysis

This analysis is to show the distribution of pose transformation error --namely, rotation and translation error-- induced in the pose estimation dataset. The performance of several baselines critically depend on this distribution.

To see this distribution:

cd results/data_analysis
jupyter notebook data_analysis.ipynb

Keypoint Corrector Analysis


This experiment aims to show the effectiveness of our keypoint corrector module. It uses ShapeNet dataset models. For each input point cloud, we perturb 80% of the the keypoints with varying amounts of noise and then pass the input through the corrector module and then the registration module. Averaged ADD-S errors for 100 iterations of the corrector forward pass per noise variance parameter are saved for plot generation.


To generate plots from the saved data:

cd results/expt_corrector
jupyter notebook results.ipynb

To re-run the experiment and save performance metrics for plot generation:

cd scripts/expt_corrector

The ShapeNet Experiment


This experiment shows the success of the proposed self-supervised training on a dataset of simulated depth point clouds using ShapeNet models. We are able to generate data across various object categories in ShapeNet and show the power of our proposed model in matching a supervised baseline, without using any annotation on the generated training data.


Trained and evaluated models are saved in the repository. Visualize the results by:

cd results/expt_shapenet_ycb
jupyter notebook results.ipynb

Evaluate the trained models with:

cd scripts/expt_shapenet

For training models see instructions here.

The YCB Experiment


This experiment shows that the proposed self-supervised training method also works on a real-world dataset comprised of RGB-D images. We see that the proposed model -- after self-supervised training -- is able to match or exceed the performance of a supervised baseline, without using any annotations for training.


Trained and evaluated models are saved in the repository. Visualize the results by:

cd results/expt_shapenet_ycb
jupyter notebook results.ipynb

Evaluate the trained models with:

cd scripts/expt_ycb

For training models see instructions here.

Learning without Object Category Labels


The proposed self-supervised training works even when the unannotated data does not have category labels. This experiment validates it.


Trained and evaluated models are saved in the repository. Visualize the results by:

cd results/expt_categoryless
jupyter notebook results.ipynb

Evaluate the trained models with:

cd scripts/expt_categoryless

For training models see instructions here.

Corrector Compute Time Analysis

We implement a constant step size batch gradient descent to solve the corrector optimization problem in the forward pass. We show that this results in faster forward compute time, in training. The analysis here validates it.

To plot the results, run:

cd results/expt_compute

To analyze (again, for yourself) the compute time --i.e. the time to solve the corrector optimization problem-- per data point in a batch, as a function of the batch size, run:

cd scripts/expt_compute


Our C-3PO project is released under MIT license.


This work was partially funded by ARL DCIST CRA W911NF-17-2-0181, ONR RAIDER N00014-18-1-2828, and NSF CAREER award "Certifiable Perception for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems".


License:MIT License


Language:Python 86.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 7.9%Language:Shell 5.4%