MAPIRlab / rf2o_laser_odometry

Estimation of 2D odometry based on planar laser scans. Useful for mobile robots with innacurate base odometry. For full description of the algorithm, please refer to: Planar Odometry from a Radial Laser Scanner. A Range Flow-based Approach. ICRA 2016 Available at:

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rf2o won't work for my data

facontidavide opened this issue · comments


I tried your package but I was not able to make it work.
This is the launch file

  <node pkg="rf2o_laser_odometry" type="rf2o_laser_odometry_node" name="rf2o_laser_odometry" output="screen">
    <param name="laser_scan_topic" value="/navLaser/scan"/>        # topic where the lidar scans are being published
    <param name="odom_topic" value="/odom_rf2o" />              # topic where tu publish the odometry estimations
    <param name="publish_tf" value="false" />                   # wheter or not to publish the tf::transform (base->odom)
    <param name="base_frame_id" value="/base_link"/>            # frame_id (tf) of the mobile robot base. A tf transform from the laser_frame to the base_frame is mandatory
    <param name="odom_frame_id" value="/odom" />                # frame_id (tf) to publish the odometry estimations
    <param name="freq" value="6.0"/>                            # Execution frequency.
    <param name="verbose" value="true" />                       # verbose
    <param name="init_pose_from_topic" value="" />


Any suggestion?

what is your error?
Is laser scan not found warning?

Notice that rf2o seems not to be REP117 compliant. If the laser-scan data contains +/- Inf and/or NaNs it fails computing the odom covariance and nothing happens - in the base case scenario.
See a fix on my fork artivis@ae01076.

I confirm that the fix of @artivis worked for me. I am using Sick TIM 561.

Notice that rf2o seems not to be REP117 compliant. If the laser-scan data contains +/- Inf and/or NaNs it fails computing the odom covariance and nothing happens - in the base case scenario.
See a fix on my fork artivis@ae01076.

this work for me, thanks