Letian-Wang / DistillNerf

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DistillNeRF: Perceiving 3D Scenes from Single-Glance Images by Distilling Neural Fields and Foundation Model Features

DistillNeRF is a generalizable model for 3D scene representation, self-supervised by natural sensor streams along with distillation from offline NeRFs and vision foundation models. It supports rendering RGB, depth, and foundation feature images, without test-time per-scene optimization, and enables zero-shot 3D semantic occupancy prediction and open-vocabulary text queries.


Given single-frame multi-view cameras as input and without test-time per-scene optimization, DistillNeRF can reconstruct RGB images (row 2), estimate depth (row 3), render foundation model features (rows 4, 5) which enables open-vocabulary text queries (rows 6, 7, 8), and predict binary and semantic occupancy in zero shot (rows 9, 10).

Comparison with SOTA methods

Our generalizable DistillNerf is on par with SOTA offline per-scene optimized NeRF method (EmerNerf), and significantly outperforms SOTA generalizable methods (UniPAD and SelfOcc).

Novel-view synthesis

Given single-frame multi-view cameras as input and without test-time per-scene optimization, we can synthesize novel views.

More demos and code coming soon! Stay tuned!
