KiritoShaw / legged_gym

Isaac Gym Environments for Legged Robots

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Notes by Shaw_ZYX

建议先阅读 minimal-isaac-gym 中的 文件,以及大致浏览一遍它的源码


一级目录中主要有三个文件夹:legged_gym*,licenses 以及 resources。其中最重要的自然是 legged_gym,具体放在后面再介绍。而 resources 文件夹中 存放了各种资源,例如执行器网络,各种机器人的 URDF 文件以及 meshes 文件。

我们通过目录树介绍 legged_gym 的文件结构

  • legged_gym
    • envs
      • base
        • 定义基类 BaseTask
        • 定义基类 BaseTaskConfig
        • 继承 BaseTask 并定义 RL 环境 LeggedRobot
        • 用于 BaseTaskConfig 并自定义环境配置 LeggedRobotCfg 以及训练配置 LeggedRobotCfgPPO
      • 将上述环境以及配置文件注册成任务
    • scripts
      • 创建少量机器人的仿真环境,用于测试训练结果
      • 通过命令行指定任务(以及各种参数)并训练策略
    • tests
    • utils
      • 杂七杂八的东西
      • 在运行 时用于返回各种指标以及绘制图片。可以修改该文件进行自定义。
      • 用于注册任务以及通过命令行参数返回 {环境、环境配置、训练算法以及算法配置}
      • 用于生成各种地形
    • 保存了根目录路径

从 utils 中导入 get_argstask_registry,前者用于解析命令行传入的参数,后者用于对注册的 RL 任务进行一些操作。 此时 task_registry 是 TaskRegistry 类的实例化对象。

from legged_gym.utils import get_args, task_registry

main 函数中先将参数进行解析,然后将 args 作为参数输入函数 train。函数 train 负责三个功能:

  1. 根据 args 中指定的任务名创建对应的 RL 任务环境 VecEnv env 并返回相应的配置 env_cfg
  2. 根据环境 env 以及 args 创建训练算法并返回训练配置 train_cfg
def train(args):
    env, env_cfg = task_registry.make_env(name=args.task, args=args)
    ppo_runner, train_cfg = task_registry.make_alg_runner(env=env, name=args.task, args=args)
    ppo_runner.learn(num_learning_iterations=train_cfg.runner.max_iterations, init_at_random_ep_len=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = get_args()


Task_registry 类主要用在两个地方:

一是 legged_gym/envs/ 中将 RL 环境以及相应的环境配置以及训练配置注册成一个 RL 任务,

from legged_gym.utils.task_registry import task_registry
from .anymal_c.anymal import Anymal  # RL 环境
from .anymal_c.mixed_terrains.anymal_c_rough_config import AnymalCRoughCfg, AnymalCRoughCfgPPO  # RL 环境配置以及算法配置

task_registry.register( "anymal_c_rough", Anymal, AnymalCRoughCfg(), AnymalCRoughCfgPPO() )  # 注册成任务

二是根据 args 创建对应的环境,环境配置,训练算法以及训练配置。如上一节所示。


  • 环境可以参考 legged_gym/envs/base/ 中的 BaseTask 或者 legged_gym/envs/base/ 中的 LeggedRobot(该类继承了基类 BaseTask
  • 环境配置可以参考 legged_gym/envs/base/ 中的 LeggedRobotCfg(该类继承了基类 BaseConfig
  • 训练算法 ***_runnerrsl_rl 库中 OnPolicyRunner 的实例化
  • 训练配置可以参考 legged_gym/envs/base/ 中的 LeggedRobotPPOCfg(该类同样继承了基类 BaseConfig


BaseTask 类的 __init__() 函数主要完成了以下工作:

  • 参数配置,主要是 Isaac gym 所需参数,例如 sim_params(sim 参数)、headless(是否进行渲染)、physics_device(物理解算计算设备)、 sim_device(仿真计算设备)、并行环境数(num_envs)、观测空间维数(num_obs)、动作空间维数(num_actions)等
  • 数据池分配(allocate buffers),包括 obs_buf, rew_buf, reset_buf
  • 创建环境、仿真环境以及窗口 gym, sim, env, viewer

BaseTask 主要包含了如下方法:

  • step() 以 action 作为输入,当智能体完成动作之后进行对应的物理学解算,并返回新状态(观测),奖励等信息
  • reset_idx() 重置选定的部分环境,往往是因为智能体触发了提前终止条件
  • reset() 重置全部环境
  • render() 实时渲染并可视化仿真训练环境


  • get_observation 获取观测
  • get_privileged_observation 获取特权观测 (privileged information),该部分信息并不可以被实际部署的智能体直接获取


该类继承了上一节所介绍的 BaseTask 类,主要包含以下方法

  • create_sim() 创建仿真环境 simulation、地形以及环境
  • step(actions):对 actions 进行预处理,接着转化为 torques 作用在机器人的各个关节上,接着进行物理解算 simulate,回调 post_physics_step() 并返回 obs_buf, privileged_obs_buf, rew_buf, reset_buf 等信息
    • post_physics_step() 检查终止条件、计算当前观测以及奖励等
      • check_termination() 终止条件包括机身触地以及超时,并更新用来指示需重置环境的 reset_buf
      • compute_reward() 计算奖励
      • reset_idx() 重置机器人状态、上层指令以及各种 buffer
      • compute_observation() 计算观测,如有需要增加噪声


这一节主要介绍 legged_gym/utils 目录下的 terrain, terrain_creation 以及 terrain_utils,后两个文件源自 Isaac Gym (Preview 4)


Copied from legged_gym/

Isaac Gym Environments for Legged Robots

This repository provides the environment used to train ANYmal (and other robots) to walk on rough terrain using NVIDIA's Isaac Gym. It includes all components needed for sim-to-real transfer: actuator network, friction & mass randomization, noisy observations and random pushes during training.
Maintainer: Nikita Rudin
Affiliation: Robotic Systems Lab, ETH Zurich

Useful Links

Project website: Paper:


  1. Create a new python virtual env with python 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8 (3.8 recommended)
  2. Install pytorch 1.10 with cuda-11.3:
    • pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.0+cu113 -f
  3. Install Isaac Gym
    • Download and install Isaac Gym Preview 3 (Preview 2 will not work!) from
    • cd isaacgym/python && pip install -e .
    • Try running an example cd examples && python
    • For troubleshooting check docs isaacgym/docs/index.html)
  4. Install rsl_rl (PPO implementation)
  5. Install legged_gym
    • Clone this repository
    • cd legged_gym && pip install -e .


  1. Each environment is defined by an env file ( and a config file ( The config file contains two classes: one conatianing all the environment parameters (LeggedRobotCfg) and one for the training parameters (LeggedRobotCfgPPo).
  2. Both env and config classes use inheritance.
  3. Each non-zero reward scale specified in cfg will add a function with a corresponding name to the list of elements which will be summed to get the total reward.
  4. Tasks must be registered using task_registry.register(name, EnvClass, EnvConfig, TrainConfig). This is done in envs/, but can also be done from outside of this repository.


  1. Train:
    python issacgym_anymal/scripts/ --task=anymal_c_flat
    • To run on CPU add following arguments: --sim_device=cpu, --rl_device=cpu (sim on CPU and rl on GPU is possible).
    • To run headless (no rendering) add --headless.
    • Important: To improve performance, once the training starts press v to stop the rendering. You can then enable it later to check the progress.
    • The trained policy is saved in issacgym_anymal/logs/<experiment_name>/<date_time>_<run_name>/model_<iteration>.pt. Where <experiment_name> and <run_name> are defined in the train config.
    • The following command line arguments override the values set in the config files:
    • --task TASK: Task name.
    • --resume: Resume training from a checkpoint
    • --experiment_name EXPERIMENT_NAME: Name of the experiment to run or load.
    • --run_name RUN_NAME: Name of the run.
    • --load_run LOAD_RUN: Name of the run to load when resume=True. If -1: will load the last run.
    • --checkpoint CHECKPOINT: Saved model checkpoint number. If -1: will load the last checkpoint.
    • --num_envs NUM_ENVS: Number of environments to create.
    • --seed SEED: Random seed.
    • --max_iterations MAX_ITERATIONS: Maximum number of training iterations.
  2. Play a trained policy:
    python issacgym_anymal/scripts/ --task=anymal_c_flat
    • By default the loaded policy is the last model of the last run of the experiment folder.
    • Other runs/model iteration can be selected by setting load_run and checkpoint in the train config.

Adding a new environment

The base environment legged_robot implements a rough terrain locomotion task. The corresponding cfg does not specify a robot asset (URDF/ MJCF) and no reward scales.

  1. Add a new folder to envs/ with '<your_env>, which inherit from an existing environment cfgs
  2. If adding a new robot:
    • Add the corresponding assets to resourses/.
    • In cfg set the asset path, define body names, default_joint_positions and PD gains. Specify the desired train_cfg and the name of the environment (python class).
    • In train_cfg set experiment_name and run_name
  3. (If needed) implement your environment in <your_env>.py, inherit from an existing environment, overwrite the desired functions and/or add your reward functions.
  4. Register your env in isaacgym_anymal/envs/
  5. Modify/Tune other parameters in your cfg, cfg_train as needed. To remove a reward set its scale to zero. Do not modify parameters of other envs!


  1. If you get the following error: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, do: sudo apt install libpython3.8

Known Issues

  1. The contact forces reported by net_contact_force_tensor are unreliable when simulating on GPU with a triangle mesh terrain. A workaround is to use force sensors, but the force are propagated through the sensors of consecutive bodies resulting in an undesireable behaviour. However, for a legged robot it is possible to add sensors to the feet/end effector only and get the expected results. When using the force sensors make sure to exclude gravity from trhe reported forces with sensor_options.enable_forward_dynamics_forces. Example:
    sensor_pose = gymapi.Transform()
    for name in feet_names:
        sensor_options = gymapi.ForceSensorProperties()
        sensor_options.enable_forward_dynamics_forces = False # for example gravity
        sensor_options.enable_constraint_solver_forces = True # for example contacts
        sensor_options.use_world_frame = True # report forces in world frame (easier to get vertical components)
        index = self.gym.find_asset_rigid_body_index(robot_asset, name)
        self.gym.create_asset_force_sensor(robot_asset, index, sensor_pose, sensor_options)

    sensor_tensor = self.gym.acquire_force_sensor_tensor(self.sim)
    force_sensor_readings = gymtorch.wrap_tensor(sensor_tensor)
    self.sensor_forces = force_sensor_readings.view(self.num_envs, 4, 6)[..., :3]

    contact = self.sensor_forces[:, :, 2] > 1.


Isaac Gym Environments for Legged Robots



Language:Python 100.0%