KevGildea /

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My website based on the minimal mistakes theme.

Since github pages do not support all the jekyll plugins due to security reasons, I have to put all my source codes of the website with needed plugins in source branch and set it as the primary branch in github, then use the Rakefile script to publish a production website to the master branch. The github pages will host it automatically. If the repository is a project repo, the gh-pages branch will be used to deploy the website instead of the master branch.
The default branch is the source where I enable the jekyll-scholar plugin. The master branch is for publishing gh-pages. The other jekyll plugins that are not supported by github pages can be installed to the source branch as well.

Several interesting changes I have made.

  • Create a bibliography template (bibtemplate.html). It display the bibentries, the publishing status and doi. The corresponding buttons can be customized using scss style file (_buttons.scss)
  • The ieee citation style is modified.
    • The index is removed.
    • The title of the paper is bold.
    • The initialization of authors' name is disabled.

Host the website locally

bash host_locally.bash

Then the website is available at http://localhost:4000.

Publish the website

All the developments go to the source branch. When everything is ready, use commands below to publish the website to the master branch and push to the remote.

rake publish

Usage Cases Cheat Sheet

  • embeded pdf viewer

    <embed src="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdfs/Yu_Zhang_CV.pdf" type="application/pdf" height="100%" width="100%"/>

    You have to include height and width both to have a full view of pdf. Only enabling one, let's say height, the actual height will not change. The default height is too low. Please refer to _page/ as an example.

  • enable google analytics using gtag.js mode

    • create a new google analytics account for your website by the instruction and the get the gtag ID

    • In _config.yml file, enable the google analytics globally

        provider: "google-gtag"
            tracking_id: "UA-118867307-1"
            anonymize_ip: false # default
    • enable the production ENV variable to track the website by adding
    ENV["JEKYLL_ENV"] = "production"

    to the Rakefile before the website is built by the jekyll.

  • notice syntax

  • feature_row and alignment

  • gallery

  • image alignment

  • citations

  • insert images with captions

  • video embedded

  • header overlay


my website based on Please visit for details.


Language:JavaScript 46.1%Language:CSS 27.1%Language:HTML 24.5%Language:TeX 2.1%Language:Ruby 0.3%Language:Shell 0.0%