Kerruba / GA4GH-Demo

Demo version of GSOC 2018 GA4GH project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to deploy Demo application locally

NOTE: This instruction assumes that you already have local working biosamples service.

You can use for setting up local versions of biosamples and htsget service using This setting up needed only for first running. Then for deploying all required services use You can deploy this demo manually as alternative following instructions below:

Phenopackets exportation

Build and install phenopackets

  1. Build phenopacket-schema from the github repository and following the building instructions. NOTE that you should get the specific commit with hash c67527e48f94fa71e8763c3a2a3234917b5c5bcb.
# Building and installing phenopackets

git clone
cd phenopacket-schema

# Get specific commit fot avoiding errors before release

git reset --hard c67527e48f94fa71e8763c3a2a3234917b5c5bcb
mvn clean install
  1. Install built jar as local lib from the phenopacket-shchema:
# Install the package on your local machine

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/phenopacket-schema-0.0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=org.phenopackets.schema.v1 -DartifactId=phenopacket-schema -Dversion=0.0.7-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar

Biosamples search

  1. Get from Github the EGA-dataedge project configured to run as a local servicebash
git clone -b experimental_deploy --single-branch
  1. Build and install ega-dataedge required tools
# Clone picard repository
git clone

# Build and install picard locally
cd picard
gradle shadowJar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./build/libs/picard-2.18.11-SNAPSHOT-all.jar  -DgroupId=com.github.picard -DartifactId=picard  -Dversion=2.18.7-SNAPSHOT-all -Dpackaging=jar
  • Build and install cramtools downloading this file
# Download the cramtools file
curl -LJO -o cramtools-3.0.jar 

# Build and install the cramtool files locally
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=cramtools-3.0.jar -DgroupId=com.github.cramtools -DartifactId=cramtools  -Dversion=3.0 -Dpackaging=jar
# Clone the git repository
git clone

# Build and install ega-htsjdk locally
cd ega-htsjdk
mvn package -DskipTests
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/ega-htsjdk-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=eu.elixir.ega.ebi -DartifactId=ega-htsjdk -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
  1. Run htsget service using an IDE or in your terminal for using that in biosamples. Note that the HTSGET service will run on port 8080

  2. Run biosamples

#run biosamples
cd biosamples-v4-demo
sudo ./

# run example
curl localhost:8081/biosamples/samples/ga4gh?disease=lukemia&page=0 


Demo version of GSOC 2018 GA4GH project


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