Kei18 / latex-template

latex template, in construction, looking for best practice

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Foolish Latex Template


  • target: xxxx-yy
  • deadline: 20yy-mm-dd


  • apply style files specified by the target conference/journal
  • create an overleaf project and import this repo
  • invite co-authors to the project
  • complete the initial draft as quickly as possible
  • revise many times until almost perfect (two weeks before the deadline)
  • grammarly
  • ask comments from your co-authors
  • fit the page limit
  • preparing appendix / code / video
  • remove all comment lines
  • submit, let's pray🙏🏻



the template relies on Latexmk.


pre-commit is a convenient tool. In particular, I prefer to format bibtex styles with bibtex-tidy. Try the following to setup:

pre-commit install

For each commit, formatting is automatically performed.

Directory Structure

|-- abs.tex            # abstract
|-- ack.tex            # acknowledgements
|-- algo               # algorithms
|   `-- search.tex
|-- appendix.tex       # appendix
|-- content.tex        # body, my recommendation: do not split!
|-- drafts             # not complete but wanna share
|-- fig
|   |-- raw            # jpg, png, pdf
|   |   `-- tmp.jpg
|   `-- tmp.tex        # latex file, do not write \figure in content.tex
|-- ref.bib
|-- sty
|   |-- algpseudocodex.sty
|   `-- mystyle.sty    # macro
|-- submission         # PDF, appendix,, etc
|-- table              # tables
|   `-- table.tex
`-- xxxx-main.tex      # main file


latex template, in construction, looking for best practice


Language:TeX 99.4%Language:Perl 0.6%