JuliaDynamics / DynamicSumTypes.jl

Easy-to-use sum types in Julia

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This package allows to combine multiple heterogeneous types in a single one. This helps to write type-stable code by avoiding Union-splitting, which has big performance drawbacks when many types are unionized.

Another aim of this library is to provide a syntax as similar as possible to standard Julia structs to facilitate its integration within other libraries.

The @sum_structs macro implements two strategies to create a compact representation of the types: the default one merges all fields of each struct in a unique type which is faster in many cases, while the second uses SumTypes.jl under the hood, which is more memory efficient and allows to mix mutable and immutable structs.

Even if there is only a unique type defined by this macro, you can access a symbol containing the conceptual type of an instance with the function kindof and use the @pattern macro to define functions which can operate differently on each kind.

Construct mixed types

julia> using DynamicSumTypes

julia> abstract type AbstractA{X} end

julia> # default version is :on_fields
       @sum_structs A{X} <: AbstractA{X} begin
           @kwdef mutable struct B{X}
               a::X = 1
               b::Float64 = 1.0
           @kwdef mutable struct C{X}
               a::X = 2
               c::Bool = true
           @kwdef mutable struct D{X}
               a::X = 3
               const d::Symbol = :s
           @kwdef mutable struct E{X}
               a::X = 4

julia> b = A'.B(1, 1.5)
A'.B{Int64}(1, 1.5)

julia> export_variants(A)

julia> b = B(1, 1.5)
A'.B{Int64}(1, 1.5)

julia> b.a

julia> b.a = 3

julia> kindof(b)

julia> abstract type AbstractF{X} end

julia> @sum_structs :on_types F{X} <: AbstractF{X} begin
           @kwdef mutable struct G{X}
               a::X = 1
               b::Float64 = 1.0
           @kwdef mutable struct H{X}
               a::X = 2
               c::Bool = true
           @kwdef mutable struct I{X}
               a::X = 3
               const d::Symbol = :s
           @kwdef mutable struct L{X}
               a::X = 4

julia> g = F'.G(1, 1.5)
F'.G{Int64}(1, 1.5)

julia> export_variants(F)

julia> g = G(1, 1.5)
F'.G{Int64}(1, 1.5)

julia> g.a

julia> g.a = 3

julia> kindof(g)

Define functions on the mixed types

There are currently two ways to define function on the types created with this package:

  • Use manual branching;
  • Use the @pattern macro.

For example, let's say we want to create a sum function where different values are added depending on the kind of each element in a vector:

julia> function sum1(v) # with manual branching
           s = 0
           for x in v
               if kindof(x) === :B
                   s += value_B(1)
               elseif kindof(x) === :C
                   s += value_C(1)
               elseif kindof(x) === :D
                   s += value_D(1)
               elseif kindof(x) === :E
                   s += value_E(1)
           return s
sum1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> value_B(k::Int) = k + 1;

julia> value_C(k::Int) = k + 2;

julia> value_D(k::Int) = k + 3;

julia> value_E(k::Int) = k + 4;

julia> function sum2(v) # with @pattern macro
           s = 0
           for x in v
               s += value(1, x)
           return s
sum2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @pattern value(k::Int, ::B) = k + 1;

julia> @pattern value(k::Int, ::C) = k + 2;

julia> @pattern value(k::Int, ::D) = k + 3;

julia> @pattern value(k::Int, ::E) = k + 4;

julia> v = A{Int}[rand((B,C,D,E))() for _ in 1:10^6];

julia> sum1(v)

julia> sum2(v)

As you can see the version using the @pattern macro is much less verbose and more intuitive. In some more advanced cases the verbosity of the first approach could be even stronger.

Since the macro essentially reconstruct the branching version described above, to ensure that everything will work correctly when using it, do not define functions operating on the main type of some variants without using the @pattern macro.

Also, if you use it in a module or in a script run from the command line, you will need to use @finalize_patterns at some point to make sure that the functions using the macro are defined, usually you will only need one invocation after all the rest of the code.

Consult the API page for more information on the available functionalities.

Benchmark against a Union of types

Let's see briefly how the two macros compare performance-wise in respect to a Union of types:

julia> @kwdef mutable struct M{X}
           a::X = 1
           b::Float64 = 1.0

julia> @kwdef mutable struct N{X}
           a::X = 2
           c::Bool = true

julia> @kwdef mutable struct O{X}
           a::X = 3
           const d::Symbol = :s

julia> @kwdef mutable struct P{X}
           a::X = 4

julia> vec_union = Union{M{Int},N{Int},O{Int},P{Int}}[rand((M,N,O,P))() for _ in 1:10^6];

julia> vec_sum_on_types = F{Int}[rand((G,H,I,L))() for _ in 1:10^6];

julia> vec_sum_on_fields = A{Int}[rand((B,C,D,E))() for _ in 1:10^6];

julia> Base.summarysize(vec_union)

julia> Base.summarysize(vec_sum_on_types)

julia> Base.summarysize(vec_sum_on_fields)

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime sum(x.a for x in $vec_union);
  26.886 ms (999805 allocations: 15.26 MiB)

julia> @btime sum(x.a for x in $vec_sum_on_types);
  6.585 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime sum(x.a for x in $vec_sum_on_fields);
  1.747 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

In this case, @sum_structs :on_fields types are almost 15 times faster than Union ones, even if they require more than double the memory. Whereas, as expected, @sum_structs :on_types types are less time efficient, but the memory increase in respect to Union types is smaller.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Easy-to-use sum types in Julia

License:MIT License


Language:Julia 100.0%