JodusMelodus's following
- Michael Sambolmsambol
- NeuralNineNeuralNine
- Antonio Sarosiantoniosarosi
- Mattmattbatwings
- argonautargonautcode
- leddoo
- Code BulletCode-Bullet
- sam-astro
- Infinite ChessInfinite-Chess
- Tomtom-delalande
- TheBuilder-software
- BennyBennyQBD
- Jorge Villaltajdvillal
- M. L. Pacemell-o-tron
- nanobytenanobyte-dev
- Matthew Orosorosmatthew
- LLVMllvm
- CodeCrafterscodecrafters-io
- Nate Curtissnatecurtiss
- mongodbmongodb
- Clojureclojure
- Zig Programming Languageziglang
- Pythonpython
- Marc Cliftoncliftonm
- Yan ChernikovTheCherno
- Neovimneovim
- The Rust Programming Languagerust-lang
- Fireshipfireship-io
- Bartek Spitzabartekspitza
- Faceface-hh
- Seth Millerheyseth
- Coding With LewisCodingWithLewis
- Marcin Anforowiczmanforowicz
- Tristram Oaten0atman
- Freya HolmérFreyaHolmer
- Kolby Nottinghamkolbytn