Jiang-Muyun / Keras_Model_Wrapper

DeeplabV3+ and Mask-RCNN Keras models with ROS integration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Segmentation and classification warpper

This is a simple warpper for using deeplab and Mask-RCNN models in ROS easily. Demo Video

Models currently supported:

  • Segmentation models
    • DeepLabv3 (Xception, MobileNetV2) [1]
    • Mask_RCNN (ResNet50) [2]
  • Classification models [3]
    • VGG (VGG16 and VGG19)
    • ResNet50
    • Inception_V3
    • Xception
    • MobileNet_V2
    • Inception_ResNet_V2
    • Densenet (121, 169, 201)
    • NASNet (mobile and large)


# create conda environment with python 3.6
conda create --name tf python=3.6
conda activate tf

# Install conda Jupyter notebooks supports.
conda install ipython nb_conda_kernels

# Install tensorflow, cuda and cudnn toolkit. We use cuda10 as example.
conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu=1.14 cudatoolkit=10.0

# Install dependences
pip install cython
pip install Keras==2.2.4 tqdm Pillow scikit-image opencv-python h5py imgaug pycocotools requests

Inference out of the box

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Jiang-Murray/Keras_Model_Wrapper.git
cd Keras_Model_Wrapper

# Activate environment for tensorflow applications
conda activate tf

# Run DeepLabv3 demo 
python deeplab_demo.py --mode images --model_name xception
python deeplab_demo.py --mode video --model_name mobilenetv2

# Run Mask_RCNN demo
python maskrcnn_demo.py --mode images
python maskrcnn_demo.py --mode video

# Run classification demo on imagenet
python classification.py

Inference with ROS

The program can deal with both compressed and uncompressed image topics for inputs and outputs.

# Run Pascal_Voc trained DeepLabv3 Xception backbone on ROS topic and publish result to /deeplab/semantic/compressed
python ros/deeplab_node.py xception INPUT_TOPIC /deeplab/semantic/compressed

# Run Pascal_Voc trained DeepLabv3 Mobilenetv2 backbone on ROS topic and publish result to /deeplab/semantic/
python ros/deeplab_node.py mobilenetv2 INPUT_TOPIC /deeplab/semantic/compressed

# Run COCO trained Mask_RCNN on ROS topic
python ros/maskrcnn_node.py INPUT_TOPIC

Working with rosbag

# Convert a rosbag to video
python ros/rosbag2video.py --topic INPUT_TOPIC

# Convert a rosbag to image sequences
python ros/rosbag2images.py --topic INPUT_TOPIC --interval 5


  1. https://github.com/bonlime/keras-deeplab-v3-plus
  2. https://github.com/matterport/Mask_RCNN
  3. https://github.com/keras-team/keras-applications


DeeplabV3+ and Mask-RCNN Keras models with ROS integration


Language:Python 100.0%