IPapakis / GCNNMatch

This repository is the official code implementation of the paper GCNNMatch: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Object Tracking via Sinkhorn Normalization.

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GCNNMatch: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Object Tracking via Sinkhorn Normalization

This repository is the official code implementation of the GCNNMatch: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Object Tracking via Sinkhorn Normalization on IEEE and on Arxiv. Link to access a new traffic vehicle monitoring dataset named "VA Beach Traffic Dataset" will be provided here.


If you find this paper or code useful, please cite using the following on IEEE:

  title={A Graph Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach for Traffic Monitoring Using Augmented Detections with Optical Flow},
  author={Papakis, Ioannis and Sarkar, Abhijit and Karpatne, Anuj},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)},

or on Arxiv:

  title={GCNNMatch: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Object Tracking via Sinkhorn Normalization},
  author={Papakis, Ioannis and Sarkar, Abhijit and Karpatne, Anuj},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00067},

Installing & Preparation:

  • Install singularity following instructions from its website.

  • Git clone this repo folder and cd to it.

  • "sudo singularity build geometric.sif singularity". Follow instructions from pytorch-geometric to change settings if needed for your system.

  • Download MOT17 Dataset from MOT website and place it in a folder /MOT_dataset.

  • "mkdir overlay". It will allow you to install additional packages if needed in the future.

  • "sudo singularity run --nv -B /MOT_dataset/:/data --overlay overlay/ geometric.sif"

  • "./create_folders.sh"


  • Command: ./train.sh

  • Result: Training will start and save the trained models in /models. Settings can be changed in tracking.py.


  • Specify which trained model to use in tracking.py. A trained model can be found here.

  • Command: ./test.sh

  • Result: Testing will start and produce txt files and videos saved in /output. Settings can be changed in tracking.py

For Benchmark evaluation the pre-processed with Tracktor detection files from this repo were used.


This repository is the official code implementation of the paper GCNNMatch: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Object Tracking via Sinkhorn Normalization.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%