IMUDGES / SOD-CNNs-based-code-summary-

The summary of code and paper for salient object detection with deep learning

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SOD CNNs-based Read List

In this repository, we mainly focus on deep learning based saliency methods (2D RGB, 3D RGB-D, Video SOD and 4D Light Field) and provide a summary (Code and Paper). We hope this repo can help you to better understand saliency detection in the deep learning era.

2D SOD: Add eight CVPR papers and two CVPRW papers, three ECCV papers, one ACMM paper, one IEEE TCSVT paper, and one IEEE TMM paper.
3D SOD: Add one IJCV paper, one IEEE TNNLS paper, two IEEE TIP papers, two ECCV22 papers.
LF SOD: Add one CVPR22 paper and one IEEE TIP paper.
Video SOD : Add four AAAI22 papers, one ACMM22 paper, two ECCV22 papers.

Camouflaged Object Detection is a closely-related task of SOD, with paper summary of this link.

🏃 We will keep updating it. 🏃


  1. An overview of the Paper List
  2. 2D RGB Saliency Detection
  3. 3D RGB-D/T Saliency Detection
  4. 4D Light Field Saliency Detection
  5. Video Saliency Detection
  6. Survery and earlier Methods
  7. The SOD dataset download
  8. Evaluation Metrics



2D RGB Saliency Detection


No. Pub. Title Links
01 AAAI Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Salient Object Detection Through Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo-Label Learning Paper/Code
02 AAAI A Causal Debiasing Framework for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 AAAI Energy-Based Generative Cooperative Saliency Prediction Paper/Code
04 AAAI Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection Using Point Supervison Paper/Code
05 AAAI TRACER: Extreme Attention Guided Salient Object Tracing Network Paper/Code
06 AAAI I can find you! Boundary-guided Separated Attention Network for Camouflaged Object Detection Paper/Code
07 WACV Recursive Contour-Saliency Blending Network for Accurate Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
08 IEEE TPAMI PoolNet+: Exploring the Potential of Pooling for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 IEEE TPAMI A Highly Efficient Model to Study the Semantics of Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
10 IEEE TGRS Lightweight Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images via Feature Correlation Paper/Code
11 TOMM Disentangle Saliency Detection into Cascaded Detail Modeling and Body Filling Paper/Code
12 TMM Noise-Sensitive Adversarial Learning for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
13 ArXiv Joint Learning of Salient Object Detection, Depth Estimation and Contour Extraction Paper/Code
14 ArXiv A Unified Transformer Framework for Group-based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
15 IEEE TCyb Adjacent Context Coordination Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Paper/Code
16 IEEE TCyb Edge-guided Recurrent Positioning Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Paper/Code
17 IEEE TCSVT Progressive Dual-attention Residual Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
18 IEEE TCyb Global-and-Local Collaborative Learning for Co-Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
19 ArXiv An Energy-Based Prior for Generative Saliency Paper/Code
20 IEEE TIP EDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled Network Paper/Code
21 IEEE TPAMI Salient Object Detection via Integrity Learning Paper/Code
22 ArXiv SelfReformer: Self-Refined Network with Transformer for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
23 ArXiv Activation to Saliency: Forming High-Quality Labels for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
24 CVPR Zoom In and Out: A Mixed-scale Triplet Network for Camouflaged Object Detection Paper/Code
25 CVPR Can You Spot the Chameleon? Adversarially Camouflaging Images from Co-Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
26 CVPR Democracy Does Matter: Comprehensive Feature Mining for Co-salient Object Detection Paper/Code
27 CVPR Pyramid Grafting Network for One-Stage High Resolution Saliency Detection Paper/Code
28 CVPR Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction Paper/Code
29 CVPR Multi-Source Uncertainty Mining for Deep Unsupervised Saliency Detection Paper/Code
30 CVPR Bi-Directional Object-Context Prioritization Learning for Saliency Ranking Paper/Code
31 CVPR Does text attract attention on e-commerce images: A novel saliency prediction dataset and method Paper/Code
32 CVPRW Pyramidal Attention for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
33 CVPRW Unsupervised Salient Object Detection with Spectral Cluster Voting Paper/Code
🚩 34 ECCV KD-SCFNet: Towards More Accurate and Efficient Salient Object Detection via Knowledge Distillation Paper/Code
🚩 35 ECCV Salient Object Detection for Point Clouds Paper/Code
🚩 36 PR BiconNet: An Edge-preserved Connectivity-based Approach for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 37 IEEE TCyb DNA: Deeply-supervised Nonlinear Aggregation for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 38 ACMM Synthetic Data Supervised Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 39 IEEE TCSVT A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Detection via Hybrid Labels Paper/Code
🚩 40 CVPRW Unsupervised Salient Object Detection with Spectral Cluster Voting Paper/Code
🚩 41 IEEE TMM View-aware Salient Object Detection for 360° Omnidirectional Image Paper/Code
🚩 42 ACCV Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 43 ECCV Saliency Hierarchy Modeling via Generative Kernels for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 AAAI Structure-Consistent Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection with Local Saliency Coherence Paper/Code
02 AAAI Pyramidal Feature Shrinking for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 AAAI Locate Globally, Segment Locally: A Progressive Architecture with Knowledge Review Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 AAAI Multi-Scale Graph Fusion for Co-Saliency Detection Paper/Code
05 AAAI Generating Diversified Comments via Reader-Aware Topic Modeling and Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 ICIP Multiscale IoU: A Metric for Evaluation of Salient Object Detection with Fine Structures Paper/Code
07 TCSVT Weakly-Supervised Saliency Detection via Salient Object Subitizing Paper/Code
08 TIP SAMNet: Stereoscopically Attentive Multi-scale Network for Lightweight Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 IJCAI C2FNet: Context-aware Cross-level Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection Paper/Code
10 CVPR Railroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Paper/Code
11 CVPR Prototype-Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Search Paper/Code
12 CVPR Mesh Saliency: An Independent Perceptual Measure or A Derivative of Image Saliency? Paper/Code
13 CVPR Weakly-Supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-Agnostic Learning With Salient Images Paper/Code
14 CVPR DeepACG: Co-Saliency Detection via Semantic-Aware Contrast Gromov-Wasserstein Distance Paper/Code
15 CVPR Black-Box Explanation of Object Detectors via Saliency Maps Paper/Code
16 CVPR From Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-Supervised Visual-Auditory Saliency Detection Approach Paper/Code
17 CVPR CAMERAS: Enhanced Resolution and Sanity Preserving Class Activation Mapping for Image Saliency Paper/Code
18 CVPR Saliency-Guided Image Translation Paper/Code
19 CVPR Group Collaborative Learning for Co-Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
20 CVPR Uncertainty-aware Joint Salient Object and Camouflaged Object Detection Paper/Code
21 ACMM Auto-MSFNet: Search Multi-scale Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
22 IEEE TIP Decomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
23 ICCV Visual Saliency Transformer Paper/Code
24 ICCV Disentangled High Quality Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
25 ICCV iNAS: Integral NAS for Device-Aware Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
26 ICCV Scene Context-Aware Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
27 ICCV MFNet: Multi-Filter Directive Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
28 ICCV Salient Object Ranking with Position-Preserved Attention Paper/Code
29 ICCV Summarize and Search: Learning Consensus-aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Saliency Detection Paper/Code
30 IEEE TIP Salient Object Detection with Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity Loss Paper/Code
31 ACMM Complementary Trilateral Decoder for Fast and Accurate Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
32 NeurIPS Learning Generative Vision Transformer with Energy-Based Latent Space for Saliency Prediction Paper/Code
33 NeurIPS Discovering Dynamic Salient Regions for Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks Paper/Code
34 IEEE TIP Progressive Self-Guided Loss for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
35 IEEE TMM Dense Attention-guided Cascaded Network for Salient Object Detection of Strip Steel Surface Defects Paper/Code
36 IEEE TIP Rethinking the U-Shape Structure for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 AAAI Progressive Feature Polishing Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 AAAI Global Context-Aware Progressive Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 AAAI F3Net: Fusion, Feedback and Focus for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 AAAI Multi-spectral Salient Object Detection by Adversarial Domain Adaptation Paper/Code
05 AAAI Multi-Type Self-Attention Guided Degraded Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 CVPR Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection via Scribble Annotations Paper/Code
07 CVPR Taking a Deeper Look at the Co-salient Object Detection Paper/Code
08 CVPR Multi-scale Interactive Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 CVPR Interactive Two-Stream Decoder for Accurate and Fast Saliency Detection Paper/Code
10 CVPR Label Decoupling Framework for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 CVPR Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network with Attention Graph Clustering for Co-saliency Detection Paper/Code
12 ECCV Highly Efficient Salient Object Detection with 100K Parameters Paper/Code
13 ECCV n-Reference Transfer Learning for Saliency Prediction Paper/Code
14 ECCV Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection Paper/Code
13 ECCV Learning Noise-Aware Encoder-Decoder from Noisy Labels by Alternating Back-Propagation for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
15 ECCV Suppress and Balance: A Simple Gated Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
16 IEEE TIP Dynamic Feature Integration for Simultaneous Detection of Salient Object, Edge and Skeleton Paper/Code
17 IEEE TIP CAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
18 IEEE TCYB Lightweight Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Visual Perception Learning Paper/Code
19 NeurIPS CoADNet: Collaborative Aggregation-and-Distribution Networks for Co-Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
20 NeurIPS Few-Cost Salient Object Detection with Adversarial-Paced Learning Paper/Code
21 NeurIPS ICNet: Intra-saliency Correlation Network for Co-Saliency Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR AFNet: Attentive Feedback Network for Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 CVPR BASNet: Boundary Aware Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 CVPR CPD: Cascaded Partial Decoder for Accurate and Fast Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 CVPR Multi-source weak supervision for saliency detection Paper/Code
05 CVPR MLMSNet:A Mutual Learning Method for Salient Object Detection with intertwined Multi-Supervision Paper/Code
06 CVPR CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
07 CVPR PoolNet: A Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
08 CVPR An Iterative and Cooperative Top-down and Bottom-up Inference Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 CVPR Pyramid Feature Attention Network for Saliency detection Paper/Code
10 AAAI Deep Embedding Features for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 ICIP Salient Object Detection Via Deep Hierarchical Context Aggregation And Multi-Layer Supervision Paper/Code
12 IEEE TCSVT AADF-Net: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object Paper/Code
13 IEEE TCyb ROSA: Robust Salient Object Detection against Adversarial Attacks Paper/Code
15 arXiv SAC-Net: Spatial Attenuation Context for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
16 arXiv SE2Net: Siamese Edge-Enhancement Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
17 arXiv Region Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
18 arXiv Contour Loss: Boundary-Aware Learning for Salient Object Segmentation Paper/Code
19 arXiv OGNet: Salient Object Detection with Output-guided Attention Module Paper/Code
20 arXiv Edge-guided Non-local Fully Convolutional Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
21 ICCV FLoss:Optimizing the F-measure for Threshold-free Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
22 ICCV Stacked Cross Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
23 ICCV Selectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
24 ICCV HRSOD:Towards High-Resolution Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
25 ICCV EGNet:Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
26 ICCV Structured Modeling of Joint Deep Feature and Prediction Refinement for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
27 ICCV Employing Deep Part-Object Relationships for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
28 NeurIPS Deep Robust Unsupervised Saliency Prediction With Self-Supervision Paper/Code
29 CVPR Salient Object Detection With Pyramid Attention and Salient Edges Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR A Bi-Directional Message Passing Model for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 CVPR PiCANet: Learning Pixel-wise Contextual Attention for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
03 CVPR PAGR: Progressive Attention Guided Recurrent Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 CVPR Learning to promote saliency detectors Paper/Code
05 CVPR Detect Globally, Refine Locally: A Novel Approach to Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 CVPR Salient Object Detection Driven by Fixation Prediction Paper/Code
07 IJCAI R3Net: Recurrent Residual Refinement Network for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
08 IJCAI LFR: Salient Object Detection by Lossless Feature Reflection Paper/Code
09 ECCV Contour Knowledge Transfer for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
10 ECCV Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 IEEE TIP An unsupervised game-theoretic approach to saliency detection Paper/Code
12 arXiv Agile Amulet: Real-Time Salient Object Detection with Contextual Attention Paper/Code
13 arXiv HyperFusion-Net: Densely Reflective Fusion for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
14 arXiv (TBOS)Three Birds One Stone: A Unified Framework for Salient Object Segmentation, Edge Detection and Skeleton Extraction Paper/Code
15 CVPR Deep Unsupervised Saliency Detection: A Multiple Noisy Labeling Perspective Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR DSS: Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short Connections Paper/Code
02 CVPR Non-Local Deep Features for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 CVPR Learning to Detect Salient Objects with Image-level Supervision Paper/Code
04 CVPR SalGAN: visual saliency prediction with adversarial networks Paper/Code
05 ICCV A Stagewise Refinement Model for Detecting Salient Objects in Images Paper/Code
06 ICCV Amulet: Aggregating Multi-level Convolutional Features for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
07 ICCV Learning Uncertain Convolutional Features for Accurate Saliency Detection Paper/Code
08 ICCV Supervision by Fusion: Towards Unsupervised Learning of Deep Salient Object Detector Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR DHSNet: Deep hierarchical saliency network for salient object detection Paper/Code
02 CVPR ELD: Deep Saliency with Encoded Low level Distance Map and High Level Features Paper/Code
03 ECCV RFCN: Saliency detection with recurrent fully convolutional networks Paper/Code

3D RGB-D Saliency Detection


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVMJ Specificity-preserving RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
02 AAAI Self-Supervised Pretraining for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 IEEE TPAMI MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 IEEE TIP Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB Images Paper/Code
05 IEEE TIP Learning Discriminative Cross-modality Features for RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 IEEE TIP Weakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Prediction Consistency Training and Active Scribble Boosting Paper/Code
07 ICLR Promoting Saliency From Depth: Deep Unsupervised RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
08 ArXiv DFTR: Depth-supervised Hierarchical Feature Fusion Transformer for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 ArXiv GroupTransNet: Group Transformer Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
10 ArXiv CAVER: Cross-Modal View-Mixed Transformer for Bi-Modal Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 PR Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-scale Aggregation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
12 CVPRW Pyramidal Attention for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
13 TMM Depth-induced Gap-reducing Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection: An Interaction, Guidance and Refinement Approach Paper/Code
14 TMM C2DFNet: Criss-Cross Dynamic Filter Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
15 ArXiv Dual Swin-Transformer based Mutual Interactive Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
16 IEEE TCSVT Cross-Collaborative Fusion-Encoder Network for Robust RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
17 IEEE TIP Learning Implicit Class Knowledge for RGB-D Co-Salient Object Detection with Transformers Paper/Code
🚩 18 ACMM Depth-inspired Label Mining for Unsupervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
19 3DV Robust RGB-D Fusion for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
20 ArXiv Depth Quality-Inspired Feature Manipulation for Efficient RGB-D and Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 21 ECCV SPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 22 ECCV MVSalNet:Multi-View Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 23 IJCV Learnable Depth-Sensitive Attention for Deep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Multi-modal Fusion Architecture Search Paper/Code
🚩 24 IEEE TNNLS 3-D Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object Detection and Beyond Paper/Code
🚩 25 IEEE TIP Improving RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Modality-aware Decoder Paper/Code
🚩 26 IEEE TIP CIR-Net: Cross-modality interaction and refinement for RGB-D salient object detection Paper/Code
🚩 27 IEEE TCSVT HRTransNet: HRFormer-Driven Two-Modality Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 28 IEEE TMM Does Thermal Really Always Matter for RGB-T Salient Object Detection? Paper/Code
🚩 29 IEEE TCSVT Modality-Induced Transfer-Fusion Network for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR Deep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Depth-Sensitive Attention and Automatic Multi-Modal Fusion Paper/Code
02 CVPR Calibrated RGB-D Saliency Object Detection Paper/Code
03 AAAI RGB-D Salient Object Detection via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks Paper/Code
04 IEEE TIP Hierarchical Alternate Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
05 IEEE TIP CDNet: Complementary Depth Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
06 IEEE TIP RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Ubiquitous Target Awareness Paper/Code
07 ICME BTS-Net: Bi-directional Transfer-and-Selection Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
08 ACMM Depth Quality-Inspired Feature Manipulation for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 ACMM TriTransNet RGB-D Salient Object Detection with a Triplet Transformer Embedding Network Paper/Code
10 ICCV RGB-D Saliency Detection via Cascaded Mutual Information Minimization Paper/Code
11 ICCV Specificity-preserving RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
12 ACMM Cross-modality Discrepant Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
13 IEEE TIP Dynamic Selective Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
14 IJCV CNN-based RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Learn, Select and Fuse Paper/Code
15 NeurIPS Joint Semantic Mining for Weakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
16 IEEE TMM CCAFNet: Crossflow and Cross-scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images Paper/Code
17 IEEE TETCI APNet: Adversarial-Learning-Assistance and Perceived Importance Fusion Network for All-Day RGB-T Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 IEEE TIP ICNet: Information Conversion Network for RGB-D Based Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 CVPR JL-DCF: Joint Learning and Densely-Cooperative Fusion Framework for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 CVPR UC-Net: Uncertainty Inspired RGB-D Saliency Detection via Conditional Variational Autoencoders Paper/Code
04 CVPR A2dele: Adaptive and Attentive Depth Distiller for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
05 CVPR Select, Supplement and Focus for RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 CVPR Learning Selective Self-Mutual Attention for RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
07 ECCV Accurate RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning Paper/Code
08 ECCV Cross-Modal Weighting Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 ECCV BBS-Net: RGB-D Salient Object Detection with a Bifurcated Backbone Strategy Network Paper/Code
10 ECCV Hierarchical Dynamic Filtering Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 ECCV Progressively Guided Alternate Refinement Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
12 ECCV RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Cross-Modality Modulation and Selection Paper/Code
13 ECCV Cascade Graph Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
14 ECCV A Single Stream Network for Robust and Real-time RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
15 ECCV Asymmetric Two-Stream Architecture for Accurate RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code
16 ACMM Is Depth Really Necessary for Salient Object Detection? Paper/Code
17 ACMM MMNet: Multi-Stage and Multi-Scale Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
18 ACMM Feature Reintegration over Differential Treatment: A Top-down and Adaptive Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
19 IEEE TIP RGBD Salient Object Detection via Disentangled Cross-Modal Fusion Paper/Code
20 IEEE TIP Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase Depth Estimation and Selective Deep Fusion Paper/Code
21 IEEE TIP Depth Potentiality-Aware Gated Attention Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
22 IEEE TNNLS D3Net:Rethinking RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Models, Datasets, and Large-Scale Benchmarks Paper/Code
23 IEEE TCSVT Revisiting Feature Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 ICCV DMRA: Depth-induced Multi-scale Recurrent Attention Network for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
02 CVPR CPFP: Contrast Prior and Fluid Pyramid Integration for RGBD Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
03 IEEE TIP Three-stream Attention-aware Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 IEEE PR Multi-modal fusion network with multi-scale multi-path and cross-modal interactions for RGB-D salient object detection Paper/Code
05 IEEE Access AFNet: Adaptive Fusion for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
06 IEEE TIP RGB-T Salient Object Detection via Fusing Multi-Level CNN Features Paper/Code
07 IEEE TMM RGB-T image saliency detection via collaborative graph learning Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR PCA: Progressively Complementarity-aware Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 IEEE TIP Co-saliency detection for RGBD images based on multi-constraint feature matching and cross label propagation Paper/Code
03 ICME PDNet: Prior-Model Guided Depth-enhanced Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 ICCV Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection using background enclosure, depth contrast, and top-down features Paper/Code
02 IEEE TIP DF: RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion Paper/Code
03 IEEE TCyb CTMF: Cnns-based rgb-d saliency detection via cross-view transfer and multiview fusion Paper/Code

Traditional methods

No. Pub. Title Links
01 MTA RGBD co-saliency detection via multiple kernel boosting and fusion Paper/Code
02 ICCV17 An Innovative Salient Object Detection Using Center-Dark Channel Prior Paper/Code
03 IEEE SPL Saliency detection for stereoscopic images based on depth confidence analysis and multiple cues fusion Paper/Code
04 IEEE SPL RGBD Co-saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Clustering Paper/Code
05 CVPR Exploiting Global Priors for RGB-D Saliency Detection Paper/Code

4D Light Field Saliency Detection

No. Pub. Title Links
01 TOMM MCA: Saliency Detection on Light Field: A Multi-Cue Approach Paper/Code
02 IJCAI DILF: Saliency Detection with a Deeper Investigation of Light Field Paper/Code
03 CVPR WSC: A Weighted Sparse Coding Framework for Saliency Detection Paper/Code
04 IEEE PAMI Saliency Detection on Light-Field Paper/Code
05 ICCV Deep Learning for Light Field Saliency Detection Paper/Code
06 NeurIPS Memory-oriented Decoder for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
07 AAAI Exploit and Replace: An Asymmetrical Two-Stream Architecture for Versatile Light Field Saliency Detection Paper/Code
08 IEEE TCSVT A Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
09 ArXiv DUT-LFSaliency: Versatile Dataset and Light Field-to-RGB Saliency Detection Paper/Code
10 ArXiv Learning Synergistic Attention for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
11 ArXiv CMA-Net: A Cascaded Mutual Attention Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
12 IEEE TCyB PANet: Patch-Aware Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
13 ACMM21 Occlusion-aware Bi-directional Guided Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
14 ICCV21 Light Field Saliency Detection with Dual Local Graph Learning and Reciprocative Guidance Paper/Code
🚩 15 CVPR22 Learning from Pixel-Level Noisy Label : A New Perspective for Light Field Saliency Detection Paper/Code
🚩 16 NC MEANet: Multi-modal edge-aware network for light field salient object detection Paper/Code
🚩 17 IEEE TIP Exploring Spatial Correlation for Light Field Saliency Detection: Expansion from a Single View Paper/Code
🚩 18 ACMM LFBCNet: Light Field Boundary-aware and Cascaded Interaction Network for Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 19 IEEE TIP Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection on Light Fields Paper/Code

Video Salient Object Detection


No. Pub. Title Links
🚩 01 AAAI You Only Infer Once: Cross-Modal Meta-Transfer for Referring Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
🚩 02 AAAI Siamese Network with Interactive Transformer for Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
🚩 03 AAAI Iteratively Selecting an Easy Reference Frame Makes Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Easier Paper/Code
🚩 04 AAAI Reliable Propagation-Correction Modulation for Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
🚩 05 WACV Video Salient Object Detection via Contrastive Features and Attention Modules Paper/Code
🚩 06 ArXiv Depth-Cooperated Trimodal Network for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
🚩 07 ArXiv Learning Video Salient Object Detection Progressively from Unlabeled Videos Paper/Code
🚩 08 ArXiv Rethinking Video Salient Object Ranking Paper/Code
🚩 09 ACMM Weakly Supervised Video Salient Object Detection via Point Supervision Paper/Code
🚩 10 ECCV Hierarchical Feature Alignment Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
🚩 11 ECCV XMem: Long-Term Video Object Segmentation with an Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory Model Paper/Code
🚩 12 ACMM Bidirectionally Learning Dense Spatio-temporal Feature Propagation Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR Weakly Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 ArXiv Video Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Local-Global Refinement Paper/Code
03 ICIP Guidance and Teaching Network for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
04 ACMM Multi-Source Fusion and Automatic Predictor Selection for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
05 ICCV Dynamic Context-Sensitive Filtering Network for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
06 ICCV Full-Duplex Strategy for Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
07 ICCV Deep Transport Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
08 IEEE TIP Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions for Real Time Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 CVPR STAViS: Spatio-Temporal AudioVisual Saliency Network Paper/Code
02 ECCV Unified Image and Video Saliency Modeling Paper/Code
03 ECCV Measuring the importance of temporal features in video saliency Paper/Code
04 ECCV TENet: Triple Excitation Network for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
05 IEEE TIP Learning Long-term Structural Dependencies for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
06 IEEE Access Cross Complementary Fusion Network for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
07 AAAI Pyramid Constrained Self-Attention Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 ICCV Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 ICCV Semi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Using Pseudo-Labels Paper/Code
03 ICCV Temporally-Aggregating Spatial Encoder-Decoder Network for Video Saliency Detection Paper/Code
04 ICCV RANet:Ranking attention Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation Paper/Code
05 CVPR Shifting More Attention to Video Salient Objection Detection Paper/Code
06 CVPR Learning Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation through Visual Attention Paper/Code
07 CVPR See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Networks Paper/Code
08 IEEE TIP Improving Robust Video Saliency Detection based on Long-term Spatial-Temporal Information Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 ECCV Pyramid Dilated Deeper CoonvLSTM for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
02 ECCV DeepVS: A Deep Learning Based Video Saliency Prediction Approach Paper/Code
03 CVPR Revisiting Video Saliency: A Large-scale Benchmark and a New Model Paper/Code
04 CVPR Flow Guided Recurrent Neural Encoder for Video Salient Object Detection Paper/Code
05 IEEE TIP Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks Paper/Code


No. Pub. Title Links
01 IEEE TIP Learning to Detect Video Saliency with HEVC Features Paper/Code

Earlier Methods

No. Pub. Title Links
01 IEEE TIP15 Salient object detection: A benchmark Paper/Code
02 IEEE TCSVT18 Review of visual saliency detectionwith comprehensive information Paper/Code
03 ACM TIST18 A review of co-saliency detection algorithms: Fundamentals, applications, and challenges Paper/Code
04 IEEE TSP18 Advanced deep-learning techniques for salient and category-specific object detection: A survey Paper/Code
05 IJCV18 Attentive systems: A survey Paper/Project
06 ECCV18 Salient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the Foreground Paper/Code
07 CVM18 Salient object detection: A survey Paper/Code
08 IEEE TNNLS19 Salient Object detection with deep learning: Areview Paper/Code
09 arXiv19 Salient Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era-An In-Depth Survey Paper/Code
10 CVM21 RGB-D Salient Object Detection: A Survey Paper/Code

The part of the collection is thanks to Deng-Ping Fan and Tao Zhou.

  • Salient Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: An In-Depth Survey. paper link.
  • This is a paper list published by another author. here
  • RGB-D Salient Object Detection: A Survey. project link.

Comparison with state-of-the-arts

  • Here includes the performance comparison of almost all 2D salient object detection algorithms.
  • Here includes the performance comparison of almost all 3D RGB-D salient object detection algorithms.

The SOD dataset download

Evaluation Metrics

  • Saliency maps evaluation.
    This link near all evaluation metrics for salient object detection including E-measure, S-measure, F-measure, MAE scores and PR curves or bar metrics. You can found in here.

  • Saliency Dataset evaluation.
    This repo can compute the ratio of obj.area and obj.contrast on binary saliency dataset. This Toolbox contains two evaluation metrics, including obj(object).area and obj.contrast.
    You can found in here.

AI Conference Deadlines

Realted AI Conference deadline
Realted AI Conference Accepted Rate


The summary of code and paper for salient object detection with deep learning