HoEmpire / pedestrian_tracking_and_localizaiton

A package for pedestrian detection, tracking, and re-identification.

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pedestrian tracking and localizaiton




A ROS package based on C++ for pedestrian detection, tracking and re-identification (The python package ptl_reid is deprecated, for reference, it remains in this project.). This package is designed for the task of counting the total numbers of pedestrians in an area, and showing their locations on a map.

Just imagining such a condition, you have a wheeled robot equipping with a lidar and a camera (or an RGBD camera). You ask it to go into a building and explore the building thoroughly. When the robot is exploring the building, it will detect and track the pedestrian in its sight, and report the locations of the pedestrians on a map. And after it finishes the exploration, it will tell you how many people are in the building, and the location where the robot see them most recently. This is what this project aims for.




  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS Melodic
  • OpenCV > 4.1
  • CUDA = 10.2
  • cuDNN = 7.6.5
  • TensorRT =
  • GLOG
  • faiss
  • libcublas-dev


1. Build

  1. Install the prerequisites

  2. Build a workspace

    mkdir -p ptl_ws/src
  3. Clone this repository in /ws/src

    cd ptl_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/HoEmpire/pedestrian_tracking_and_localizaiton.git
  4. Build the files


2. Config

The config files of each package can be found in ${PROJECT_NAME}/config/config.yaml

  • ptl_detector

      cam_net_type: "YOLOV4_TINY" #net type
      cam_file_model_cfg: "/asset/yolov4-tiny.cfg" #config file path
      cam_file_model_weights: "/asset/yolov4-tiny.weights" #weight file path
      cam_inference_precison: "FP32" #float precision
      cam_n_max_batch: 1 #number of batch
      cam_prob_threshold: 0.5 # the threshold of the detection probability
      cam_min_width: 0 # the min/max width/height of an object in detection
      cam_max_width: 1440
      cam_min_height: 0
      cam_max_height: 1080
  • ptl_tracker

      use_compressed_image: true #using compressed image
      use_lidar: true #enable using lidar
      enable_pcp_vis: true #enable filtered pointcloud visualization
      lidar_topic: /rslidar_points
      camera_topic: /camera2/color/image_raw/compressed
      map_frame: map
      lidar_frame: rslidar
      camera_frame: camera2_link
      track_fail_timeout_tick: 30 #if the tracker fails for track_fail_timeout_tick frames, we consider this tracker fails and remove it from the list.
      bbox_overlap_ratio: 0.6
      detector_update_timeout_tick: 30 #if the ticks after last update by detector is too long, we consider that we lose track of this target
      detector_bbox_padding: 80 #  to ensure overlap between detector and tracker, we pad the bounding box of the detector to enlarge it
      reid_match_threshold: 3.0 #maximum feature distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object
      reid_match_bbox_dis: 80 #maximum bbox center distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object
      reid_match_bbox_size_diff: 80 #maximum bbox size distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object
      stop_opt_timeout: 6
      height_width_ratio_min: 0.85 #only the image block with height/width falls in the range of (height_width_ratio_min, height_width_ratio_max) will be added into the local database.
      height_width_ratio_max: 4.0
      record_interval: 0.1 # the minimum time interval between two recorded images in a local database (Unit: s).
      feature_smooth_ratio: 0.7
      resample_size: 0.1 # point cloud resample size(Unit:m)
      x_min: 0.0 # point cloud conditional filter(Unit:m)
      x_max: 15.0
      z_min: 0.0
      z_max: 4.04
      std_dev_thres: 0.1 # statistial filter param
      mean_k: 20 # statistial filter param
      cluster_tolerance: 0.5
      cluster_size_min: 20
      cluster_size_max: 10000
      match_centroid_padding: 20 # padding of bbox for robust reprojection matching between 2d bbox and 3d centroids
      fx: 613.783
      fy: 612.895
      cx: 416.969
      cy: 240.223
      q_xy: 100 # bbox center position state variance (Unit: Pixel^2)
      q_wh: 25 # bbox size state variance (Unit: Pixel^2)
      p_xy_pos: 100 # bbox center position initial variance (Unit: Pixel^2)
      p_xy_dp: 10000 # bbox center position velocity initial variance (Unit: Pixel^2)
      p_wh_size: 25 # bbox size initial variance (Unit: (Pixel/s)^2)
      p_wh_ds: 25 # bbox size velocity initial variance (Unit: (Pixel/s)^2)
      r_theta: 0.08 # observation variance
      r_f: 0.04
      r_tx: 4
      r_ty: 4
      residual_threshold: 16 # if the residual is higher than this param, this observation will be rejected
      q_factor: 100 # position state variance (Unit (m/s^2)^2)
      r_factor: 0.25 # position observation variance (Unit m^2)
      p_pos: 100 # position initial variance (Unit m^2)
      p_vel: 4 # position initial variance (Unit (m/s)^2)
      start_predict_only_timeout: 10 #using the detector update tick as the timeout count, if this tick is higher than this param, will only use state predict result to tracker the position to avoid degeneration of false 2d tracking
      stop_track_timeout: 15 #using the detector update tick as the timeout count, if this tick is higher than this param, will stop 3d tracking to avoid drift
      outlier_threshold: 4.0 # if the residual ratio is higher than this param, this observation will be rejected
      min_keypoints_to_track: 40 # minimal keypoints to track for one object in keypoints_num_factor_area (e.g. 40 keypoints in 8000 pixel^2)
      keypoints_num_factor_area: 8000
      corner_detector_max_num: 100 # maximum keypoints to track for one object
      corner_detector_quality_level: 0.0001 # corner detetion params...
      corner_detector_min_distance: 3
      corner_detector_block_size: 3
      corner_detector_use_harris: true
      corner_detector_k: 0.03
      min_keypoints_to_cal_H_mat: 10 # minimal number of keypoints to calculate transformation matrix of an object. If the number of successfully tracked keypoints is less than this, will consider calculation fails
      min_keypoints_for_motion_estimation: 50 # minimal number of keypoints to calculate transformation matrix of the motion of the platfrom. If the number of successfully tracked keypoints is less than this, will consider calculation fails
      min_pixel_dis_square_for_scene_point: 2 # we use this param to remove scene point in the tracking bbox of an object
      use_resize: true # using resize in optical flow tracking to speedup
      resize_factor: 2 # resize ratio
    • bbox_overlap_ratio: if the overlapping area ratio of the bounding box(bbox) from the detector and the tracker is higher than this value, we match these two bounding boxes, and use the detector bbox to reinitialized the matched tracker.

      • Overlaping area ratio is calculated by

    • track_fail_timeout_tick: if the tracker fails for track_fail_timeout_tick frames, we consider this tracker fails and remove it from the list.

    • detector_update_timeout_tick: if the ticks after last update by detector is too long, we consider that we lose track of this target

    • detector_bbox_padding: to ensure overlap between detector and tracker, we pad the bounding box of the detector to enlarge it

    • reid_match_threshold: maximum feature distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object

    • reid_match_bbox_dis: maximum bbox center distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object

    • reid_match_bbox_size_diff: maximum bbox size distance to consider a match between a detected and a tracking object

    • stop_opt_timeout: when the ticks after last update by detector is larger than this param, we stop updating the tracker by optical flow, but only update the tracker by its state. The purpose is to prevent degeneration of performance when occlussion happens.

    • height_width_ratio_min/max: only the image block with height/width falls in the range of (height_width_ratio_min, height_width_ratio_max) will be added into the local database. record_interval: 0.1 # the minimum time interval between two recorded images in a local database (Unit: s).

    • feature_smooth_ratio: the current feature of a tracking object is calculated by:

    • resample_size: point cloud resample size(Unit:m)

    • x_min/x_max/z_min/z_max: point cloud conditional filter(Unit:m)

    • std_dev_thres/mean_k: statistial filter param

    • match_centroid_padding: padding of bbox for robust reprojection matching between 2d bbox and 3d centroids

    • q_xy: bbox center position state variance (Unit: Pixel^2)

    • q_wh: bbox size state variance (Unit: Pixel^2)

    • p_xy_pos: bbox center position initial variance (Unit: Pixel^2)

    • p_xy_dp: # bbox center position velocity initial variance (Unit: Pixel^2)

    • p_wh_size: # bbox size initial variance (Unit: (Pixel/s)^2)

    • p_wh_ds: 25 # bbox size velocity initial variance (Unit: (Pixel/s)^2)

    • r_theta/r_f/r_tx/r_ty: observation variance

    • residual_threshold: if the residual is higher than this param, this observation will be rejected

    • q_factor: position state variance (Unit (m/s^2)^2)

    • r_factor: position observation variance (Unit m^2)

    • p_pos: position initial variance (Unit m^2)

    • p_vel: position initial variance (Unit (m/s)^2)

    • start_predict_only_timeout: using the detector update tick as the timeout count, if this tick is higher than this param, will only use state predict result to tracker the position to avoid degeneration of false 2d tracking

    • stop_track_timeout: using the detector update tick as the timeout count, if this tick is higher than this param, will stop 3d tracking to avoid drift

    • outlier_threshold: if the residual ratio is higher than this param, this observation will be rejected

    • min_keypoints_to_track/keypoints_num_factor_area: minimal keypoints to track for one object in keypoints_num_factor_area (e.g. 40 keypoints in 8000 pixel^2)

    • corner_detector_max_num: maximum keypoints to track for one object

    • corner_detector_quality_level/corner_detector_min_distance/corner_detector_block_size/corner_detector_use_harris/corner_detector_k: corner detetion params...

    • min_keypoints_to_cal_H_mat: minimal number of keypoints to calculate transformation matrix of an object. If the number of successfully tracked keypoints is less than this, will consider calculation fails

    • min_keypoints_for_motion_estimation: minimal number of keypoints to calculate transformation matrix of the motion of the platfrom. If the number of successfully tracked keypoints is less than this, will consider calculation fails

    • min_pixel_dis_square_for_scene_point: we use this param to remove scene point in the tracking bbox of an object

    • use_resize: using resize in optical flow tracking to speedup

    • resize_factor: resize ratio

  • ptl_reid_cpp

      similarity_test_threshold: 1.0
      same_id_threshold: 1.6
      batch_ratio: 0.5
      max_feat_num_one_object: 50
      use_inverted_file_db_threshold: 2500
      feat_dimension: 2048
      find_first_k: 2
      nlist_ratio: 50
      sim_check_start_threshold: 5
      engine_file_name: "reid_engine.engine"
      onnx_file_name: "reid.onnx"
      inference_offline_batch_size: 1
      inference_real_time_batch_size: 1
    • similarity_test_threshold: when updating the database, if the minimal distance score between the query image and gallery images is smaller than this value, we will not add this query image to the database (to maintain adequate differnce in the database of an object)
    • same_id_threshold: when querying the database, if the minimal distance score between the query image and gallery images is bigger than this value, we will consider this query image comes from a new object; Or else we consider it belongs to one of the objects in the database
    • batch_ratio: in a image batch from a query object, if the number of images assigned with the same id after re-identification, is bigger than the batch_ratio times the total number of images in this batch, we consider this object is the object already in the database. Otherwise, we will take it as a new object.
    • use_inverted_file_db_threshold: if the number of object in the database is bigger than this value, the database will switch to inverted file to speedup search
    • feat_dimension: the dimension of the feature
    • find_first_k: find the first k closest object in query
    • nlist_ratio: sub cell ratio in inverted file
    • sim_check_start_threshold: when the number of the image of an object is bigger than this value, we will start the similarity test (to ensure wrong image will have little effect in building database)
  • ptl_node

    detect_every_k_frame: 5 # perform detection in everyt k frame to reduce GPU load
    lidar_topic: "/rslidar_points"
    camera_topic: "/camera2/color/image_raw/compressed"
    min_offline_query_data_size: 20 # the minimal data size (feature size + image size) to query a dead tracking object. This param is to make sure that we will not query the wrong detected object

3. Run

  1. Copy the .weight file of yolo to ptl_ws/src/pedestrain_tracking_and_localizaiton/src/ptl_detector/asset. Copy the .onnx file of re-identification model (which can be obtained from fast-reid model zoo. You can also train your own model using fast-reid.) to ptl_ws/src/pedestrain_tracking_and_localizaiton/src/ptl_reid_cpp/asset

  2. Launch the node

    cd ptl_ws
    source devel/setup.zsh
    roslaunch ptl_node ptl_node
  3. visualize the result

    rosrun rviz rviz -d full_vis_2.rviz



A package for pedestrian detection, tracking, and re-identification.


Language:C++ 81.1%Language:Python 12.3%Language:CMake 6.6%