Hackerman342 / auv_exploration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AUV Exploration

Collection of ROS packages for localization, map building and SLAM with autonomous underwater vehicles and sonar sensing.

Dependencies (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04)


This is a collection of ROS packages. Just clone the repo within your catking workspace and run

rosdep install --from-paths your_catkin_ws --ignore-src --rosdistro=$ROS_DISTRO -y
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release install

If you come across this issue during the compilation, follow the instructions at the end of the thread to solve it and build the workspace again again.

ROS Packages


So far, the online command line utility is

roslaunch auv_model auv_exploration.launch

Open RVIZ separately and use the config file in the bathy_mapper pkg to visualize the setup.

Keep reading to see how to change the operation mode.

Replay an AUV survey

Construct and store a bathymetric map from a real AUV survey as a UFOmap. Modify the launch file 'auv_exploration.launch' under the auv_model package: change the parameter mode = gt and point the path to a .cereal file from AUVlib containing the real survey. The bathymetric map being constructed during the mission will be saved under bathy_mapper/maps with the name specified in the parameter map_name in the launch file.

Simulate AUV missions based on existing bathymetry

Use the bathymetric map constructed previously and an simulated AUV with an MBES to create your own missions. Modify the launch file 'auv_exploration.launch' under the auv_model package: change the parameter mode = sim

After launching the system, click on the black screen that pops up and use the following commands to navigate the simulated AUV:

  • w/s forwards/backward throtle
  • right/left keys: steering
  • up/down keys: inclination



Language:C++ 41.0%Language:CMake 37.6%Language:Python 21.4%