HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"

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wangyuanbiubiubiu opened this issue · comments


comment the line and the line.

ok 谢谢!


using RVIZ?

Screenshot from 2019-07-29 20-17-24

the depth is terrible...
I suggest you fix the depth quality before fusion.
To visualize the fused surfel in point cloud, try surfel_fusion/pointcloud


I now use their own depth map, but I found that the program can't deal with the depth of my figure. I checked the, may be stored in my depth map numerical problem. For example, I estimate the depth of the pixel is 20 m and I was in the pixel position assignment in the MAT, could you tell me the correct depth map should be inside the assignment?

Screenshot from 2019-07-30 09-21-58

我用中文说一下,就是这是我自己生成的深度图,深度的估计是没有问题的,但是我输入到这个程序里发现并没有输出结果.我现在如果估计出这个像素的深度是x m,我就将一个CV_32FC1 矩阵中对应地方赋值x,我猜想是不是这个程序要求的深度图不是这种定义方式?

Depth map is defined as CV_32FC1.
Please check your launch file, including camera parameters, and fusion max distence. Also, why you think your depth map is ok?

Ok, I'll check these things. Thanks!

I found some useful parameters. Now I'm a car driving on the ground. Should I adjust the parameters here? I feel that the threshold is too small. What parameters should I adjust?
Screenshot from 2019-07-30 19-24-29

My current situation is that my surfel always follows my camera and then disappears.

Screenshot from 2019-07-30 19-28-51
Screenshot from 2019-07-30 19-30-58

This is the debug diagram I output at runtime. I wonder if I need to adjust some parameters because my scene is too big.

and what means drift_free_poses?

Well... Sorry for the late response. Just found this issue. If you have a new issue, please open a new one.
The map fusion quality largely depends on the quality of input depth and the associated camera poses. In your debug image, maybe your depth is too noisy to extract any useful surfels. Can you please show me the depth of this frame and also the corresponding intensity image?
Drift-free-pose is used to describe the quality of your odometry system. You can find details in the paper, basically, more accurate odometry system has larger drift-free-poses.