HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"

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vins-supported map save?

MoonUniverse opened this issue · comments

Hi,thank you for your work! However,the code of vins-supported seem can't save the map.What do I need to do to save the map?

Thank you!

It can save the map. The node also subscribes a rostopic called "save_map". Just publish a ros message in string with the path you want to save.
Follow the code to know more:

ros::Subscriber sub_save_map = nh.subscribe("save_map", 1, &SurfelMap::save_map, &surfel_map);

One simple example: After all the fusion is done, type the following in your terminal:
rostopic pub /save_map std_msgs/String "/home/user/model.ply"

Thank you very much for your reply!
Map saved successfully!