From the command line:
pip install rls-sdk
Get the API_KEY:
Check the documentation.
from rls.rocket import RocketLeague
rocket = RocketLeague(api_key=['Your API Key'])
response = rocket.players.player(id='76561198079681869', platform=1)
{'data': [
{'avatar': '',
'createdAt': 1476863051,
'displayName': 'Girbons',
'lastRequested': 1501082634,
'nextUpdateAt': 1501082812,
'platform': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Steam'},
'profileUrl': '',
'rankedSeasons': {'3': {'10': {'division': 0,
'matchesPlayed': 7,
'rankPoints': 409,
'tier': 0},
'11': {'division': 4, 'matchesPlayed': 657, 'rankPoints': 385, 'tier': 4},
'12': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 5, 'rankPoints': 80, 'tier': 0},
'13': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 2, 'rankPoints': 150, 'tier': 0}},
'4': {'10': {'division': 2,
'matchesPlayed': 10,
'rankPoints': 507,
'tier': 5},
'11': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 394, 'rankPoints': 528, 'tier': 6},
'12': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 3, 'rankPoints': 644, 'tier': 0},
'13': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 5, 'rankPoints': 681, 'tier': 0}},
'5': {'10': {'division': 0,
'matchesPlayed': 17,
'rankPoints': 600,
'tier': 7},
'11': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 610, 'rankPoints': 605, 'tier': 7},
'12': {'division': 0, 'matchesPlayed': 3, 'rankPoints': 644, 'tier': 0},
'13': {'division': 1,
'matchesPlayed': 10,
'rankPoints': 544,
'tier': 6}}},
'signatureUrl': '',
'stats': {'assists': 1206,
'goals': 2932,
'mvps': 467,
'saves': 1820,
'shots': 5475,
'wins': 1037},
'uniqueId': '76561198079681869',
'updatedAt': 1501082632}],
'maxResultsPerPage': 20,
'page': 0,
'results': 1,
'totalResults': 1
Feel free to submit a Pull Request just follow the guidelines in the docs.