Gepetto / gepetto-viewer

Graphical Interface for Pinocchio and HPP.

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Installation on Ubuntu-18.04 fails

florent-lamiraux opened this issue · comments

I have upgraded my computer to ubuntu-18.04 and the build of gepetto-viewer branch devel (just checked out) fails.

The problem seems to come from the fact that gepetto-gui is not linked to the python library. As a consequence, at linking, I get several messages like
undefined reference to `PyString_Size'

I solved the issue by adding a line in the src/CMakeLists.txt (commit f47465a) but I am surprised that nobody got the same issue.

Do you install GV with PythonQt ?

In fact, I realize that I configure with option -DPROJECT_USE_QT4=OFF although qt5 is not installed. I will try again and let you know.

Recompiling pythonqt with PythonQt_QT_VERSION=4, I get the same error.

In PythonQt, there are two different branches for Qt4 and Qt5. Check that you are on the right branch.

pythonqt is on branch qt4, with CMakeCache.txt containing

The problem came from a mix up between python2 and python3. I solved it by adding option -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 at configuration in order to match PythonQt python version.