GeoMicroSoares / MuDoGeR

MuDoGeR makes the recovery of genomes from prokaryotes, viruses, and eukaryotes from metagenomes easy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi-Domain Genome Recovery v1.0.1 (MuDoGeR v1.0.1)


The Multi-Domain Genome Recovery v1.0 (MuDoGeR v1.0) framework (Figure 1) is a tool developed to help users to recover Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (MAGs as defined by Parks et al. (2018)) and Uncultivated Viral Genomes (UViGs as defined by Roux (2019)) from whole-genome sequence (WGS) samples simultaneously. The MuDoGeR v1.0 framework act as a wrapper of several tools. It was designed to be an easy-to-use tool that outputs ready-to-use comprehensive files.

You should be able to run 1 simple command for each module. Therefore, you only need 5 commands to completely run MuDoGeR. After a successful run of MuDoGeR, you should have the outputs summarized in Figure 2. Please find a comprehensive description of the main outputs in the understand outputs file.


Using the tools individually

In addition, MuDoGeR also sets up individual working conda environments for each of the integrated tools. Consequently, if the user wants to customize the use of any tool, you can use MuDoGeR to configure your machine and follow the instructions here to activate the relevant environments.

Reading this GitHub

This Github should help you install and run the complete MuDoGeR pipeline, as well as understand all its outputs. Consequently, we suggest the following reading strategy:

MuDoGeR Overview

MuDoGeR was designed to be an easy-to-use tool that outputs ready-to-use comprehensive files. You should be able to run 1 simple command for each of the following modules.

The MuDoGeR starts with Module 1: Pre-Processing, which covers the Raw Read Quality Control, Resources calculation and Assembly. The assembled libraries should be used in all the other modules.

After the data pre-processing, MuDoGeR is divided into 3 different branches: Module 2: Recovery of Prokaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (pMAGs) Module 3: Recovery of Uncultivated Viral Genomes (UViGs) Module 4: Recovery of Eukaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Bins (eMABs)

Furthermore, in Module 5: Relative Abundance, users can automatically calculate the coverage and relative abundance tables from the recovered pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs. The users can also calculate the coverage and relative abundance tables from the prokaryotic genes annotated in assembled libraries.

  • Please find a comprehensive description of the main outputs in the understand outputs file.
  • Instructions for using the MuDoGeR can be found in the following hyperlink: Manual MuDoGeR.
  • Information about the system requirements of the MuDoGeR can be found in the following hyperlink: System requirements.
  • Detailed instructions for the installation of the MuDoGeR tools can be found in the following hyperlink: Installation.
  • The simplified usage of the MuDoGeR can be found in the following hyperlink: MuDoGeR simplified usage.
  • To use the individual working conda environments created by MuDoGeR for each of the used tools go here.

System requirements

MuDoGeR makes it easy to install and run a group of complex software and dependencies. More than 20 bioinformatics tools and several complex software dependencies are present in MuDoGeR. Hopefully, you won't have to worry too much about it. We designed an installation script that should take care of every dependency for you. You can find the MuDoGeR installation tutorial here.

Keep in mind that the MuDoGeR pipeline requires some computer power and you probably won't be able to run it on a laptop. The complete software installation requires approximately 170 GB, but MAKER2, from Module 4 uses 99 GB of that space since it requires the database to be installed in a specific manner. See Module 4 setup. The complete database requirements, considering all tools, is around 439.9 GB. However, you don't need to install all MuDoGeR's Modules to use it.

MuDoGeR is designed to support only Linux x64 systems. As for the resource requirements, the MuDoGeR framework uses software that requires a large amount of RAM (e.g GDTB-Tk, MetaWRAP ). Specific resource requirements vary depending on your data and its sequencing depth. We recommend the user provide at least 180 GB of RAM. Therefore, for the assembly process, MuDoGeR attempt to calculate the amount of memory necessary for metaSPades (on step 1.b). The user should be aware that samples with higher expected diversity require a higher amount of memory.

Consequently, we suggest you install and run MuDoGeR using your available high performance computer or in cloud services such as AWS, Google cloud, or, for researchers in Germany, the de.NBI

The software used during the pipeline are detailed described here: Dependencies description.


1 - Install miniconda

The MuDoGeR pipeline requires several tools that have multiple dependencies. More often than not, those tools require conflicting dependencies. To tackle this problem, MuDoGeR requires miniconda to be previously installed in your system. MuDoGeR will use miniconda to create multiple environments that are automatically orchestrated during the pipeline's functioning. Following you have a possible way of installing miniconda.

#See documentation:

$ wget

$ chmod +x

$ ./

$ export PATH=~/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

2 - Install MuDoGeR

Once you have miniconda installed and on your PATH, you can properly install MuDoGeR. The MuDoGeR environment can be complex, and the installation script was designed to install and set up all necessary bioinformatics tools.

#clone repository

$ git clone

#Go to the MuDoGeR cloned repository folder
$ cd MuDoGeR

#Make sure you have conda ready and that you are in your base environment.
$ conda activate base

#You should see something like the following:

#Run the installation script as follows
$ bash -i installation/

#Follow the instructions on the screen:
# Enter "y" if you want to install all modules, otherwise enter "n".
# If you entered "n",enter "y" for each of the modules you would like to install individually.

	The MuDoGeR's installation will begin..

	      (  )   (   )  )			
	       ) (   )  (  (			
	       ( )  (    ) )			
	      <_____________> ___		
	      |             |/ _ \		
	      |               | | |		
	      |               |_| |		
	   ___|             |\___/		
	  /    \___________/    \		

	This might take a while. Time to grab a coffee...

3 - Install necessary databases

Several bioinformatics tools used within MuDoGeR require specific databases to work. We developed a database download and set up tool to make our lives easier. Make sure to run the database setup after MuDoGeR is installed.

You can also choose to install the databases used by each module individually. You can use the flag --dbs and choose the name of the module you want to set up the databases (all [default], prokaryotes, viruses, eukaryotes).

Use this script if you want MuDoGeR to take care of everything.

#Make sure mudoger_env is activated. It should have been created when you ran 'bash -i installation/'
$ conda activate mudoger_env

#Go to MuDoGeR cloned directory
$ cd MuDoGeR

#Run database setup script
$ bash -i installation/ --dbs all -o /path/to/save/databases

#You can also check out the database-setup help information
$ bash -i installation/ --help

MuDoGeR database script v=1.0
Usage: bash -i --dbs [module] -o output_folder_for_dbs

  --dbs all              		download and install the necessaries databases for all MuDoGeR modules [default]
  --dbs prokaryotes              	download and install the necessaries databases for prokaryotes module
  --dbs viruses              		download and install the necessaries databases for viruses module
  --dbs eukaryotes              	download and install the necessaries databases for eukaryotes module
  -o path/folder/to/save/dbs      	output folder where you want to save the downloaded databases
  --help | -h				show this help message
  --version | -v			show mudoger version

4 - Additional module 4 (eukaryotes) installation instructions

Some tools used in module 4 (GENEMARK and MAKER2) require the user to provide information to the developers. Consequently, we could not implement an automatic installation and setup script. However, we created a tutorial to finish the module 4 setup.

The module 4 setup tutorial is found in Module 4 setup

Modules Overview

Module 1: Pre-Processing


The steps of Module 1 are shown in Figure 3. A detailed description of its execution and outputs are found here: Pre-Processing description.

When you use MuDoGeR Module 1, it will perform the following tasks:

  • 1.a: Raw Read Quality Control.
  • 1.b: Calculation of memory requirements for the assembly process.
    • (1.b.1) The k-mer (33-mer and 55-mer) of the quality-controled reads produced in 1.a is calculated.
    • (1.b.2) The calculated k-mer is used in a trained machine learning model to estimate the amount of memory that metaSPades uses to assemble the reads.
  • 1.c: Assembly of the quality-controlled reads.

Module 2: Recovery of Prokaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (pMAGs)


Module 2 workflow is shown in Figure 4. A detailed description of its execution and outputs are found here: Pipeline for recovery of Prokaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Genomes.

When you use MuDoGeR Module 2, it will perform the following tasks:

  • 2.a: Binning and bin refinement of the Prokaryotic bins.
    • (2.a.1) Binning with Metabat2, Maxbin2, and CONCOCT.
    • (2.a.2) Bacterial bins refinement and archea bins refinement.
    • (2.a.3) Dereplication of the recovered prokaryotic bins.
  • 2.b: Taxonomic classification, quality estimation, and gene annotation.
    • (2.b.1) Taxonomic classification of the prokaryotic bins produced in (2.a.3) using GTDB-tk.
    • (2.b.2) Generation of quality matrix of the prokaryotic bins produced in (2.a.3) using CheckM.
    • (2.b.3) Prokaryotic MAGs gene annotation with Prokka.
  • 2.c: Sequence metrics calculation and selection of Prokaryotic MAGs.
    • (2.c.1) Sequence metric calculation from the selected MAGs.
    • (2.c.2) Selection of Prokaryotic MAGs

Module 3: Recovery of Uncultivated Viral Genomes (UViGs)


The steps of Module 3 are shown in Figure 5. A detailed description of its execution and outputs are found here: Pipelines for viral genomes recovery.

When you use MuDoGeR Module 3, it will perform the following tasks:

  • 3.a: Recovery of Putative Viral Contigs
    • (3.a.1) Recovery of putative viral contigs using VirSorter2, VirFinder, and VIBRANT.
    • (3.a.2) Filtering of the putative viral contigs.
    • (3.a.3) Dereplication of the putative viral contigs.
  • 3.b: Taxonomic and Quality estimation of potential viral contigs
    • (3.b.1) Taxonomic classification from the dereplicated putative viral contigs with Vcontact2.
    • (3.b.2) Checking the quality of the dereplicated contigs with CheckV.
  • 3.c: Viral-Host pair estimation using WIsH. This step is only done automatically if you generate the prokaryotic MAGs using MuDoGeR as well.
  • 3.d: Selection of UViGs
    • (3.d.1) Selection of all viruses that yielded taxonomy when using vContact2 plus those larger than 15 Kb.
    • (3.d.2) Selection based on the quality determined by CheckV.

Module 4: Recovery of Eukaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Bins (eMABs)


The steps of Module 4 are shown in Figure 6. A detailed description of its execution and outputs are found here: Pipelines for eukaryotic bins recovery.

When you use MuDoGeR Module 4, it will perform the following tasks:

  • 4.a: Recovery and binning of Eukaryotic assemblies.
    • (4.a.1) Classification of Eukaryotic assemblies and removal of prokaryotic assemblies with EukRep.
    • (4.a.2) Use of CONCOCT for binning the Eukaryotic assemblies.
    • (4.a.3) Filtering the Eukaryotic bins, produced from CONCOCT, by size. Bins with size < 1.5 Mb are removed.
  • 4.b: Completeness and contamination estimation and annotation of Eukaryotic bins
    • (4.b.1) In the filtered bins produced in 4.a, genes are predicted using GeneMark.
    • (4.b.2) Completeness and contamination estimation of the Eukaryotic filtered bins produced in 4.a using EukCC.
    • (4.b.3) MAKER2 annotates the predicted genes produced by GeneMark.
    • (4.b.4) BUSCO is applied to the annotated genes from MAKER2, for detection of single-copy orthologous genes (SCGs) and estimation of completeness of Eukaryotic contigs.

Module 5 Relative abundance


The steps of Module 5 are shown in Figure 7. A detailed description of its execution and outputs are found here: Pipelines for abundance calculation. Essentially, module 5 maps the quality-controlled reads of your sample on the recovered pMAGs/UViGs/eMAB or annotated prokaryotic genes. We designed three possible mapping types to calculate abundance: reduced, complete, or genes. A detailed description of their differences can be found here

The steps of Module 5 can be summarized as follows. If you select complete or genes, the pipeline will run steps 5.a and 5.b. If you select genes, the pipeline will run 5.c:

  • 5.a: Select representative pMAGs from each created OTU
    • (5.a.1) Copy recovered pMAGs from all samples within the provided metadata table.
    • (5.a.2) Group recovered pMAGs of all samples within the provided metadata table using gOTUpick.
    • (5.a.3) Select the highest quality pMAG within the gOTUpick groups as the group's representative MAG.
  • 5.b: pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs mapping and abundance calculation
    • (5.b.1) Copy representative pMAGs from step 5.1 and the selected UViGs and eMABs recovered in module 3 and module 4, respectively.
    • (5.b.2) Index selected pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs
    • (5.b.3) If --coverage is selected, calculate pMAGs/UViGs/eMAB size, and the average read length of all samples to be mapped. If --relative-abundance calculate the total number of reads from all samples. This information is used further in the pipeline.
    • (5.b.4) If --reduced is selected, maps reads from the samples where the pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs were found on the pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs. If --complete is selected, map reads from all samples on the pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs.
    • (5.b.5) Calculate the absolute number of hits, relative abundance, and coverage tables, if the respective flag is selected.
  • 5.c: Genes relative abundance calculation from the samples assembly. Currently working on prokaryotic genes
    • (5.c.1) Index assemblies from given samples.
    • (5.c.2) Map sample reads on the respective assembly.
    • (5.c.3) Annotate genes on the assembly with Prokka.
    • (5.c.4) Convert the .gff file from Prokka gene annotation into .gtf.
    • (5.c.5) Count mapped reads on each gene.
    • (5.c.6) Calculate the average read length of all mapped samples.
    • (5.c.7) Calculate gene lenght from Prokka .gtf file.
    • (5.c.8) Calculate genes' absolute number of hits, relative abundance, coverage, and TPM tables for each sample.

MuDoGeR simplified usage

Currently, MuDoGeR v1.0 only works with paired-end ILLUMINA sequences. Future updates will add tools to work with long-read sequencing samples. MuDoGeR was designed to work module by module, starting from pre-process (Module 1). Additional modularity will be added in future updates to allow the user to run specific parts of the pipeline. However, you can always use the tools independently by using the created conda environments by MuDoGeR. You can follow the instructions here.

MuDoGeR is an easy-to-use wrapper of several tools organized within modules. The individual modules can be called independently.

The pipeline requires, as input, a metadata table in tsv format containing the samples to be processed and the path to its raw sequence reads. The metadata file should have the sample name and the path to the forward reads file from the sample in one line, followed by the same sample name and the path to the reverse reads from the sample. An example metadata file is as follows:

#Show the content of the metadata.tsv file
$ cat metadata.tsv

EA_ERX4593008   /path/to/EA_ERX4593008/raw_reads_1.fastq
EA_ERX4593008   /path/to/EA_ERX4593008/raw_reads_2.fastq
EA_ERX4593009   /path/to/EA_ERX4593009/raw_reads_1.fastq
EA_ERX4593009   /path/to/EA_ERX4593009/raw_reads_2.fastq
EA_ERX4593010   /path/to/EA_ERX4593010/raw_reads_1.fastq
EA_ERX4593010   /path/to/EA_ERX4593010/raw_reads_2.fastq
EA_ERX4593011   /path/to/EA_ERX4593011/raw_reads_1.fastq
EA_ERX4593011   /path/to/EA_ERX4593011/raw_reads_2.fastq

MuDoGeR is designed to run all multi-domain genome recovery pipelines entirely. In order for MuDoGeR to work automaticaly, from start to finish, we use a specific folder structure. Please, read the Manual_MuDoGeR if you would like to manipulate MuDoGeR.

Once MuDoGeR is installed, you can test it as follows:

$ conda activate mudoger_env
$ mudoger --help

	███    ███ ██    ██ ██████   ██████   ██████  ███████ ██████  
	████  ████ ██    ██ ██   ██ ██    ██ ██       ██      ██   ██ 
	██ ████ ██ ██    ██ ██   ██ ██    ██ ██   ███ █████   ██████  
	██  ██  ██ ██    ██ ██   ██ ██    ██ ██    ██ ██      ██   ██ 
	██      ██  ██████  ██████   ██████   ██████  ███████ ██   ██ 
			Multi-Domain Genome Recovery
				Version 1.0.0

Mudoger v=1.0.0
Usage: mudoger --module module_name --meta metadata_table.tsv -o output_folder [module_options]

  --meta              		 Metadata table with your samples, as explained in the github documentation
  --module preprocess            Run all steps from module 1 (read_qc, kmer memory prediction and assembly)
  --module prokaryotes           Recovery of Prokaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
  --module viruses		 Recovery of Uncultivated Viral Genomes
  --module eukaryotes		 Recovery of Eukaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Bins
  --module abundance_tables	 pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs coverage and abundance calculation
          	type             can be --reduced (default) , --complete or --genes
          	mapping_type	 can be --absolute-values (default), --coverage, and --relative-abundance
  --help | -h		         show this help message
  --version | -v	         show mudoger version

A simplified use of MuDoGeR can be done as follows:

$ mudoger --module preprocess --meta /path/to/metadata.tsv -o /path/to/output/folder -t 20 -m 100

$ mudoger --module prokaryotes ---meta /path/to/metadata.tsv -o /path/to/output/folder -t 20

$ mudoger --module viruses --meta /path/to/metadata.tsv -o /path/to/output/folder -t 20

$ mudoger --module eukaryotes --meta /path/to/metadata.tsv -o /path/to/output/folder -t 20

$ mudoger --module abundance_tables --meta /path/to/metadata.tsv -o /path/to/output/folder -t 20 --reduced --coverage --relative-abundance

The result two level folder structure after a successful run of all MuDoGeR is as follows:

├── sample_1
│   ├── assembly
│   ├── eukaryotes
│   ├── khmer
│   ├── prokaryotes
│   ├── qc
│   └── viruses
├── sample_2
│   ├── assembly
│   ├── eukaryotes
│   ├── khmer
│   ├── prokaryotes
│   ├── qc
│   └── viruses
└── mapping_results
    ├── assembly_gene_map
    ├── euk_mabs_mapping
    ├── gOTUpick_results
    ├── merged_reads
    ├── pmags_otu_mapping
    └── uvigs_mapping

A more detailed tutorial for the MuDoGeR can be found in Manual_MuDoGeR.


A pre-print of the manuscript can be found in Biorxiv



MuDoGeR makes the recovery of genomes from prokaryotes, viruses, and eukaryotes from metagenomes easy.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 73.0%Language:R 14.2%Language:Python 12.9%