Game-Shenanigans / Dice-Game

Dice Game written using C# and Unity.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comGame-Shenanigans/Dice-GameRepository from Github https://github.comGame-Shenanigans/Dice-Game


This repo serves as the release branch for my personal game development project (Dice Puzzle Adventure).

Written in C# using Unity. Not current intended for mobile play.

Click here to play! (Will make sound!).


Use the player dice (green outline) to eliminate all enemy dice (red outline).


  1. Left click and drag a player die over an enemy die to attack.
  2. Right click to reroll up to 2x per player die.
  3. You may reroll after an attack if the player die survives.
  4. You must win each level by at least 1.
  5. If you lose, you will be returned to level 1 (at least until I add game saving).
  6. There are 10 levels in total.
  7. Enjoy!

Planned Features

  1. Mobile Controls
  2. Tutorial and/or Help Menu
  3. Main Menu
  4. Game Saving
  5. Settings Menu (Audio, Resolutiion, etc.)
  6. Level Selection Menu
  7. Additional Levels and Gameplay Elements.


Dice Game written using C# and Unity.


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