Gabriele-bot / gt-final-or

VHDL files of the phase-2 Global Trigger monitoring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GT FinalOR VHDL files



Link Quad Direction Description Target
0-11 0-2 IN Links 0-11 low algos Algo boards 0-11
116-127 29-31 IN Links 12-23 low algos Algo boards 0-11
36-47 9-11 IN Links 0-11 mid algos Algo boards 0-11
80-91 20-22 IN Links 12-23 mid algos Algo boards 0-11
48-59 12-14 IN Links 0-11 high algos Algo boards 0-11
68-79 17-19 IN Links 12-23 high algos Algo boards 0-11
4-6 1 OUT Low algo-bits DAQ, Scouting
40-42 10 OUT Mid algo-bits DAQ, Scouting
52-54 13 OUT High algo-bits DAQ, Scouting
99 24 OUT Finor out bits TCDS-2

Output FinOR bits

Bits Name With veto?
0-7 FinOR trigger bits No
8-15 FinOR preview trigger bits No
23-16 FinOR trigger bits Yes
31-24 FinOR preview trigger bits Yes
575-32 Reserved X

Available rate counters

Register IPBus name Width
Algo rate counters unprescaled cnt_rate_before_prsc 3xN_SLR_ALGOS
Algo rate counters prescaled cnt_rate_after_prsc 3xN_SLR_ALGOS
Algo rate counters prescaled (preview) cnt_rate_after_prsc_prvw 3xN_SLR_ALGOS
Algo rate counters prescaled post dead-time cnt_rate_pdt 3xN_SLR_ALGOS
SLRs Veto rate counter Veto_cnt N_MONITOR_SLR
FinOR rate counter cnt_rate_finor 8
FinOR rate counter post dead-time cnt_rate_finor_pdt 8
FinOR rate counter (preview) cnt_rate_finor_preview 8
FinOR rate counter post dead-time (preview) cnt_rate_finor_preview_pdt 8
FinOR rate counter (vetoed) cnt_rate_finor_with_veto 8
FinOR rate counter post dead-time (vetoed) cnt_rate_finor_with_veto_pdt 8
FinOR rate counter (vetoed, preview) cnt_rate_finor_preview_with_veto 8
FinOR rate counter post dead-time (vetoed, preview) cnt_rate_finor_preview_with_veto_pdt 8
Global Veto rate counter Veto_cnt 1

Supported boards

Board FPGA Depfile name
Serenity VU13P-2-e-flga2577 top_serenity_vu13p-so2.d3


  • Vivado 2020.1 or later
  • ipbb 2021j or later
  • uHAL1
  • Access to the TCDS2 Gitlab repository. (Can be requested at
  • Access to the EMP repository.

Setup instructions

Get all the required packages

# If you don't have ipbb installed yet
curl -L | tar xvz
source ipbb-dev-2023a/

ipbb init gt-finor-work
cd gt-finor-work
ipbb add git -b v0.8.0
ipbb add git -b v1.9
ipbb add git -b v0_1_1
ipbb add git -r fda0bcf
ipbb add git -b v2.1
ipbb add git
ipbb add git -b v03.09
ipbb add git -b v03.10

Build instructions

Create firmware project

ipbb proj create vivado gt-final-or gt-final-or:finor-hdl top_serenity_vu13p-so2.d3
cd proj/gt-final-or

# Make uhal tools available
export PATH=/opt/cactus/bin/uhal/tools:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cactus/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

ipbb ipbus gendecoders -f
ipbb vivado generate-project

And build it with:

ipbb vivado synth -j4 impl -j4
ipbb vivado bitfile package

Simulation instructions

Get required packages as in the previous section.

Generate the pattern files used in the simulation(s)

The input pattern file is generated by a custom python script, it can be found scripts/
Run the script

cd src/gt-final-or/scripts
python -i 1450 -a 512 -m 3 -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79
cd ../../..

Change the variable accordignly:

  • i: number of algos to inject during the pre-scaler test;
  • a: algos per monitoring SLR (1 --> 576);
  • m: number of monitoring SLR (1 --> 3);
  • ll, ml, hl: low, mid, high algo link respectively;

Create the simulation project (work in progress)

This simulation requires a custom EMP-FWk branch, contact me ( if needed.
For the full EMP FWK simulation run

ipbb proj create sim finor_sim gt-final-or:simulation top_serenity_vu13p-so2.d3

OR run this for the simplified simulation

ipbb proj create sim finor_sim gt-final-or:simulation top_sim.d3
cd proj/finor_sim
ipbb sim setup-simlib
ipbb sim ipcores
ipbb sim fli-udp
ipbb sim addrtab
ipbb sim generate-project
touch design.txt
cp ../../src/gt-final-or/finor-hdl/firmware/hdl/RAM_init_files/bxmask_113bx_window.mif .

Copy the generated pattern files and scripts in the project directory.

cp -r ../../src/gt-final-or/scripts .
cp -r addrtab scripts/
cd scripts
echo '<connections>' > my_connections.xml
echo '  <connection id="'x0'" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://localhost:50001" address_table="file://addrtab/sim.xml" />' >> my_connections.xml
echo '</connections>' >> my_connections.xml
cat my_connections.xml
cd ..

Launch the simulation with Questasim

Run one of the commands to enter the command line interface depending on the target test

vsim -c work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_prescaler_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_prescaler_test.txt
vsim -c work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_trigg_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_trigg_test.txt
vsim -c work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_veto_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_veto_test.txt
vsim -c work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_BXmask_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_BXmask_test.txt

To start the simulation use the command

run -all

To run the simulation in the GUI use the following commands instead

vsim work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_prescaler_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_prescaler_test.txt
vsim work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_trigg_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_trigg_test.txt
vsim work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_veto_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_veto_test.txt
vsim work.glbl -Gsourcefile=scripts/Pattern_files/Finor_input_pattern_BXmask_test.txt -Gsinkfile=out_BXmask_test.txt

If you want to simulate the GT-algo board latency add the following argument at the end of the simulation command (change the value if needed)


Interact with the simulation with IPbus

Open a new shell in the project folder and go to the scripts directory

cd scripts

Launch one of the test available with the command

python -t prescaler -p random -ls 3 -c my_connections.xml -S -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79
python -t trigger_mask -p random -ls 3 -c my_connections.xml -S -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79
python -t veto_mask -p random -ls 3 -c my_connections.xml -S -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79
python -t BXmask -p random -ls 3 -c my_connections.xml -S -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79

If the EMP toolbox is installed enable it via the -E flag. E.G.

python -t prescaler -p random -ls 3 -c my_connections.xml -S -E -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79

Check output unprescaled algobits, this requires that the prescale test is run beforehand.

python -t algo-out -ll 0-11,116-127 -ml 36-47,80-91 -hl 48-59,68-79




VHDL files of the phase-2 Global Trigger monitoring


Language:VHDL 77.2%Language:Python 18.5%Language:Tcl 2.4%Language:Shell 1.9%