The database has been updated! It now includes annotations performed using FANTASIA (12,698 genes assigned), patched with NCBI-specific annotations (351 genes assigned).
- NOTE: FANTASIA tends to assign a gene to more GO terms, so the results may differ significantly from the previous NCBI-only annotations.
You can find the updated database and files at the following links:
Download and Install the OrgDb Database
First, download the.tar.gz
file from the link above. After downloading, decompress the file (tar -zxvf
) and install the database in R using the following command:install.packages("PATH_TO/", repos = NULL, type = "source", force = TRUE)
Install clusterProfiler To use the clusterProfiler package, install it by running the following commands in R:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("clusterProfiler")
Once the database and clusterProfiler are installed, you're ready to perform GO enrichment analysis. Below is an example:
# Example gene list
genes <- c("LOC132916914", "LOC132916961", "LOC132917061", "LOC132917063",
"LOC132917180", "LOC132917253", "LOC132917261", "LOC132917313",
# Perform GO enrichment analysis
go_results <- enrichGO(genes, keyType = "GID", OrgDb = "", ont = "ALL", pAdjustMethod = "BH")
# Visualize the results