Flare576 / dotfiles

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Flare's dotfiles

You may also be interested in Flare's Scripts, a collection of shell and NodeJS (check that project's readme!) scripts I use dozens of times an hour.

Based on a lot of discoveries from GitHub Does dotfiles, this is my repo for my dotfiles. I've also included a setup script, mostly for personal use, that will bring a brand new Mac from stock to stylish with minimal messing around.

bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flare576/dotfiles/main/setup/OSX/mac.sh)"

Or a new Mint Linux

bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flare576/dotfiles/main/scripts/NIX/setupMint.sh)"

Or a new Ubuntu Linux

bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Flare576/dotfiles/main/scripts/NIX/setupUbuntu.sh)"

If not setting up a new machine I git clone directly into ~ and run the script for the thing(s) I want to setup:

sh dotfiles/setup/secureRepo.sh # You should absolutely run this file to help prevent leaking secrets
sh dotfiles/setup/linkFiles.sh # Symlinks files to ~
sh dotfiles/setup/scripts.sh # pull scripts and sets up paths: see Flare57/scripts repo
sh dotfiles/setup/vim.sh # Yes, this sets up vim
sh dotfiles/setup/omz.sh # Oh My Zshell goes deliciously with Zsh

A quick note about secrets and private info: This project recommends keeping sensitive information in a set of .doNotCommit files in the $HOME/dotfiles/.doNotCommit.d folder. They do not reside directly in $HOME because scripts in the dotfiles project can and do edit them.

If I also want to install all the apps I use frequently, I'll run

sh dotfiles/setup/homebrew.sh # Check the script for details
sh dotfiles/setup/OSX/casks.sh # Check the script for details

Sure man, but what do they DO?!

You can read each of the scripts for details of how/what they do, but as far as what YOU can do, here's a breakdown:

What do I get?

Hotkey Mentality

There's a lot going on here, I know. Looking at all these lists is enough to make most folks close the browser tab, but bear with me for a moment.

The most important part of a program/tool is, in my opinion, getting around. For my configs, I've settled on a "vim-style" approach to this, which means using H, J, K, and L to move Left, Down, Up, and Right. Combining these movements with different modifiers makes up the bulk of getting around!

Modifier App Notes
Ctrl Vim Moves between Buffers
Shift Vim Moves between Tabs
Alt tmux Moves between panes
Shift+Alt tmux Moves between Windows

As a bonus: _ and | plus the above modifiers also splits/creates the thing it navigates horizontally or vertically!

vim config galore!

Vim v8 Plugins

  • Solarized - Beauty!
  • vim-airline - Fast and flexible status line
  • vim-json - Make JSON better!
  • typescript-vim - Make Typescript... less awful
  • ag.vim - Silver Searcher... IN VIM
  • ctrlp.vim - Fuzzy file finder!
  • z.vim - The power of Z-script in Vim
  • undotree - Makes traversing the undo tree not suck
  • gutentags + tagabar - Index your source code and <Ctrl-]> your way to happiness
  • MergeTool - Makes git mergetool way more useful
  • vim-surround - easily change '' to "" to , with cs then the thing that's there, and the thing you want
    • (e.g. 'hello world' to "hello world", do cs'")

Hand-picked values!

See https://dougblack.io/words/a-good-vimrc.html for info, or the .vimrc file for line-by-line comments

Daily hot keys!

Must-know & Navigation
Mode Keys Actions
Insert jk shortcut to Escape
Normal/Visual j/k/h/l move "visually" up and down, makes soft-wraps easier
Normal B & E shortcuts for ^ and $
Normal ctrl + j, k, h, l change focus between windows
Normal H & L Move between tabs
Normal :VE Open a new Vertical buffer in Explore mode
Normal :HE Open a new Horizontal buffer in Explore mode
Normal :TE Open a new Tab in Explore mode
Normal ctrl + _ split window horizontally
Normal ctrl + | split window vertically
Normal ,<Enter> zoom in/out of buffer
Normal >, <, +, - resize current window
Normal ,a fuzzy search (Silver Searcher) for files under pwd
Normal ,z Open commonly used folders in current buffer (see Z)
Normal ctrl+p brings up file search under pwd
Visual ,y yank selected to OSx/WSL clipboard
Less Common
Mode Keys Actions
Visual ,uq Removes quotes from selected text
Normal ,<space> turns off search highlighting
Normal ,dc Diff current buffer against on-disk file (changes since last save)
Normal ,dg Diffs current buffer against git history
Normal ,do Diffs "open" buffers against each other
Normal ,/ Shows the count of your last search
Normal gV highlight last inserted text
Normal ,u Brings up "Super Undo"
Mode Keys Actions
Normal @y converts "Describe Table" and converts to YAML (beta)
Visual <count>,<Tab> works on range, starts a # comment at column
Normal ,q saves current session to /tmp/ongoing and exits
Normal ,rb [R]uns current file in [b]rowser (chrome by default)
Jira Colors
Mode Keys Actions
Insert ,jg Starts a Green section
Insert ,jr Starts a Red section
Insert ,jo Starts an Orange section
Mode Keys Actions
Normal ,ev Edit .vimrc in new tab
Normal ,ez Edit .zshrc & .zshenv in new tab w/ split pane
Normal ,et Edit .tmux.conf in new tab
Normal ,sv Source .vimrc in open vim instance
Normal ,ej Edit .jira.d/config.yml in new tab
Normal ,ed Edit dotfiles root folder in new tab

tmux Hotkeys Galore

Mode Keys Actions
Default Ma h, j, k, l Resize pane 2 units in given direction
Default M + h, j, k, l Switch to pane given direction
Default M + , - New horizontal, vertical split
Default M +⇧ + |, _ New window
Default M +⇧ + K Switch to the "last" window
Default M +⇧ + H, L Switch to window to the left/right
Default M +⇧ + : tmux command prompt
Default C-k clear buffer
Default Ma Enter Maximize/Restore current pane
Default Ma b Sends UbuntuQuickInstall script to pane (for containers!)

I want that Jira CLI Awesomeness

Check out flare576/jira-cli.



Command Parms Result
vz none Edit(vi) .zshrc and .zshenv
vd none Edit(vi) dotfiles root dir
vv none Edit(vi) with /tmp/ongoing session
vt none Edit(vi) with /dotfiles/.tmux.conf session
vs none Edit(vi) ~/scripts root dir
sz none Source .zshrc and .zshenv
plcat .plist file OSX only: outputs human-readable contents of a .plist file
pi/py various runs pipenv and pipenv run python respectively

See also Git Aliases


Command Params Result
k see docs alias to kubectl, so whatever you pass to kubectl
k9s see docs UI for K8s. You're welcome
klog none call kubelogin to authenticate in browser for current context
kcon context alias to kubectl config use-context
kcons none alias to kubectl config get-context
kn namespace alias to kubectl config set-context --current --namespace
lzy none opens lazydocker
lzye none edits lazydocker config file
dnuke none alias to docker system prune --volumes -af

See also kubectl, docker-compose, docker-aliases or just run alias | grep docker to see them all!


ZSH has a command-line editor functionality, which can be set to vim-mode but defaults to emacs. It's pretty nice, but I've become used to some of the emacs features. To bring them back (and to make it act more like my vim), these changes were made

Key(s) Mode Action
B vicmd Jumps to front of line (imitate ^)
E vicmd Jumps to front of line (imitate $)
↑ / ↓ viins Scrolls through previous commands (imitates emacs behavior)


Theme Switching!

See flare576/switch-themes.


Sometimes you just don't want to dig through a bunch of scripts and want to know what a person suggests. Here's what makes my life easier:

  1. Homebrew / Cask (https://brew.sh/)
  2. vim grab the most recent version
  3. git + hub gitHub actions in your CLI
  4. the_silver_searcher Bettah than awk
  5. tmux panel/window manager in terminal
  6. bat replaces cat
  7. 1password More secure, cleaner interface ††
  8. launchbar Spotlight kinda sux ††
  9. slack Please don't make me use teams ††
  10. pipenv w/ python 3.7.2
  11. nvm 99 problems, but node versions ain't one
  12. ZSH Bettah than bash
  13. shellcheck static analysis on scripts
  14. git-secrets enabled on this project
  15. mas cli app store tool
  16. cheat CLI Cheat sheets
  17. watch re-run commands on timer
  18. jq process JSON output
  19. k9s CLI UI for K8s
  20. docker Container Manager ††
  21. lazydocker CLI UI for Docker
  22. All my Vim config; sorry, you're gonna have to read it for details.

† Installable with Homebrew †† Installable with Homebrew Cask

Setup keyboard replacements

kirbydance -> <(^.^<)  (>^.^)>  <(^.^)>
shruggy -> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fliptable -> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
fixtable -> ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
middlefinger -> 凸 (`0´)凸



Language:Shell 76.4%Language:Vim Script 23.6%