EthanC / ModernWarfare-Discord

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Discord Rich Presence spoofer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Trick your friends into thinking that you're playing the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer months before the beta or full release!

This application will set your Discord Rich Presence to a randomly generated Multiplayer match using the currently known maps and modes.

Notice: This is not intended to be a maintained or serious project. While bug fixes may be made, new features and data will not be added.


You must be using the Windows Client of Discord and have Game Activity enabled under User Settings.

  • Download the latest release
  • Run the Modern.Warfare.RPC.Setup.X.X.X.exe installer


While not recommended, you could create your own Rich Presence application, then modify index.js and gameData.js to allow for custom maps, modes, and images to be used.


While you're at it, come hang out in the Call of Duty Discord Server!


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Discord Rich Presence spoofer.

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 49.3%Language:JavaScript 39.1%Language:HTML 11.5%