Epsilon8854 / awesome-Collaborative-SLAM

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awesome-Collaborative-SLAM Awesome

This repo contains a curative list of Collaborative SLAM on multi-agent system, inspired by Awesome-Implicit-NeRF-SLAM

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For an overview of Collabortive SLAM, checkout the Survey (Towards Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: a Survey of the Current Research Landscape


Centralized SLAM

All data from individual robots or sensors are sent to a central server or unit. The central server processes the data to create a unified map and determine each robot's location.

  • CCM-SLAM: Robust and efficient centralized collaborative monocular simultaneous localization and mapping for robotic team JFR, 2019 [Paper] [Code]
  • COVINS-G: A Generic Back-end for Collaborative Visual-Inertial SLAM, ICRA, 2023 [Paper] [Code]
  • Robust Map Fusion with Visual Attention Utilizing Multi-agent Rendezvous ICRA, 2023 [Paper]
  • CP-SLAM: Collaborative Neural Point-based SLAM System arxiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]
  • CoLRIO: LiDAR-Ranging-Inertial Centralized State Estimation for Robotic Swarms ICRA 2024 [Paper] [Code]

Decentralized SLAM

Each robot operates independently, creating its own map and determining its own location. Robots may occasionally share map information with others upon encounter.

  • Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM ICRA, 2018 [Paper] [Code]

  • DOOR-SLAM: Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams, RA-L, 2020 [Paper] [Code]

  • CoVOR-SLAM: Cooperative SLAM using Visual Odometry and Ranges for Multi-Robot Systems, arxiv, 2023[Paper]

  • Cross-Agent Relocalization for Decentralized Collaborative SLAM, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
  • Swarm-SLAM:Sparse Decentralized Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Framework for Multi-Robot Systems, RA-L, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
  • Multi S-Graphs:an Efficient Real-time Distributed Semantic-Relational Collaborative SLAM, arxiv, 2024 [Paper] [Code]

Distributed SLAM

In a distributed system, the processing is spread across multiple nodes or agents. Robots collect data and perform their own localization and mapping, but also communicate and share information with each other to build a comprehensive global map. This could be peer-to-peer or via a centra l hub.

  • DiSCo-SLAM: Distributed Scan Context-Enabled Multi-Robot LiDAR SLAM With Two-Stage Global-Local Graph Optimization RA-L, 2021[Paper] [Code]
  • Multirobot Collaborative Monocular SLAM Utilizing Rendezvous, T-RO, 2021 [Paper]
  • Distributed Ranging SLAM for Multiple Robots with Ultra-WideBand and Odometry Measurements IROS, 2022 [Paper]
  • Kimera-multi: Robust, distributed, dense metric-semantic slam for multi-robot systems, T-RO, 2022 [Paper] [Code]
  • DiSCo-SLAM: Distributed Scan Context-Enabled Multi-Robot LiDAR SLAM With Two-Stage Global-Local Graph Optimization, RA-L, 2022 [Paper] [Code]
  • DRACo-SLAM: Distributed Robust Acoustic Communication-efficient SLAM for Imaging Sonar Equipped Underwater Robot Teams [Paper] [Code]
  • SEAL: Simultaneous Exploration and Localization in Multi-Robot Systems, arxiv, 2023 [Paper]
  • DCL-SLAM: Distributed Collaborative LiDAR SLAM Framework for a Robotic Swarm, Sensors, 2023 [Paper] [Code]
  • RING++: Roto-Translation Invariant Gram for Global Localization on a Sparse Scan Map, T-RO, 2023[Paper] [Code1] [Code2]
  • A Robot Web for DistributedMany-Device Localization T-RO 2023 [Paper]
  • IRBCD Distributed Pose-graph Optimization with Multi-level Partitioning for Collaborative SLAM, arxiv, 2024[Paper]

Datasets & Benchmarks

  • UTIAS The UTIAS multi-robot cooperative localization and mapping dataset. IJRR, 2011 [[Paper](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0278364911398404] [Project_page]

  • Airmuseum: a heterogeneous multi-robot dataset for stereo-visual and inertial simultaneous localization and mapping. MFI, 2020 [Paper] [Code]

  • Ford Multi-AV Seasonal Dataset, IJRR, 2020 [Paper] [Code]

  • S3E: A Large-scale Multimodal Dataset for Collaborative SLAM, arXiv, 2022 [Paper] [Project_page]

  • GRACO: A Multimodal-Heterogeneous Dataset for Ground and Aerial Cooperative Localization and Mapping, RA-L, 2023 [Paper] [Code]

  • Kimera-Multi: Resilient and Distributed Multi-Robot Visual SLAM: Datasets, Experiments, and Lessons Learned, arxiv, 2023 [Paper] [Project_page]

  • Customizable-SLAM: Customizable Perturbation Synthesis for Robust SLAM Benchmarking, arxiv, 2024 [Paper] [Code]

  • SubT-MRS Dataset: Pushing SLAM Towards All-weather Environments CVPR 2024 [Paper] [Project_page]
