EdwardLiuyc / StaticMapping

Use LiDAR to map the static world

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

*** Aborted at 1614871400 (unix time) try "date -d @1614871400" if you are using GNU date ***

Lily19928 opened this issue · comments

Hello, Thank you for sharing this great work. However, I encountered the following error while running ./mapping.sh. Once I rosbag play, w/wo --clock, it showed

*** Aborted at 1614871400 (unix time) try "date -d @1614871400" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @ 0x7ff858f0c1a5 Eigen::internal::call_dense_assignment_loop<>()

I am not using CUDA and Eigen version is 3.3.4. Is there anything you could help with?

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for late reply. The mapping.sh script has not been maintained for a very long time, so,
My suggestion:

  1. use mapping_lidar_only.sh or other script which suits your usage.
  2. the node can read rosbags directly, you don't need to play a bag.

Maybe have another try after reading the wiki!
Feel free to reach me if you still have questions please.