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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ECE-Engineer's repositories


This Prolog program be designed to assist in search-and-rescue operations after a natural disaster. An earthquake has scattered cars in a parking garage in such a way that a rescue robot cannot reach the entrance to the main building to search for survivors. A drone has been used to identify the layout of the cars as they sit now. A plan must be devised for how the cars can be moved backward and forward in order to clear a path from the robot’s entrance to the currently blocked door.



A project to show how the temperatures on points of a metal alloy change and diffuse over time. This project utilized the ForkJoinPool, RecursiveAction, & Phaser. The second part of the project was utilizing cluster computing across servers and computers on a network.



Kohonen SOMs is an unsupervised machine learning technique discovered by Professor Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s. Kohonen SOMs are generally used for taking n-dimensional information and mapping it down to a 2D representation of the input space ℝn . In this project, this machine learning technique will be applied to a clustering a set of n-dimensional input and clustering the input together by common characteristics. Then categorizing the input to have a way to interact with the program. The application will be a form of color recognition utilizing kohonen Self Organizing Maps. The colors can be represented as vectors of (red, green, blue) components and the SOM will categorize the colors and you can then ask what color a given color vector best represents.

Language:Common LispLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


Given a set of "N" cities, find the shortest possible path through all the cities, starting and ending at the same city. This Genetic Algorithm provides a way to optimize the best possible path between the cities after each generation.

Language:Common LispLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:3Issues:0


This project simulates an end of the world senario with a giant asteroid. Setting: "In the near distant future, the Earth is at war against a race of giant intelligent alien insects! Little is known about the Bugs except that they are intent on the eradication of all human life." (COPYWRITE by Touchstone Pictures) A few humans go back in time to inform you that in the Bugs first wave of attack against humanity, a giant asteroid will impact the Earth wiping out more than half of Earth's total population. Unfortunately you have only ONE year before the giant asteroid impacts the Earth! In a desperate attempt to avert the asteroid's collision path away from Earth, you assemble all of the planet's Weapons of Mass Destruction and prepare rockets to launch the payloads into deep space. WILL YOU SAVE THE WORLD FROM IMPEDING DOOM?!



I designed a ship to play the game asteroids to compete in a class competition. The ship was used by the asteroids game framework built by my professor, (from which I will not be including, for it is a reused bi-annual assignment). I will provide my implementation for the ship I designed using a fully connected neural network and the genetic algorithm that I used to find an optimal ship to use in the competition.



A program for audio feedback of visuals.



Implementation of Dreambooth ( with Stable Diffusion (tweaks focused on training faces)

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Implementation of paper - YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


This C program will produce auto-complete suggestions, similar to what Bash does when beginning to type a command and pressing <tab>. The program will read all of the file names in a user-provided directory and store them in a data structure made up of a 26-element array of linked lists. There is a linked list for each letter of the alphabet, whereas within each one it will store the filenames which begin with that letter in some sensible order. After reading the filenames, the user will be asked to provide the beginning of a filename they are interested in. The output will be all filenames which match that prefix. The program will continue to ask for beginnings of filenames until an empty string is entered.



A simple CNN tutorial prepared for the SUNY Oswego TensorFlow workshop & talk.



Write a python program to: Collect all your programming assignments, summarize all the programming assignments and email all the programming assignments.



Simple script to make RESTful API calls to the website to speed up data collection for some of my GEO hw.


Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.



A graphing and analysis tool to be used for characterizing Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow generated at the tip of sharp metal pins.



This project simulates a control tower trying to land planes in a real-time setting. Planes run in parallel and are admitted to the runway one at a time based on their priority (remaining gas & total flight time).



This Game is based on the Introduction to the Computer Science "Abstract Data Types" or (CSC 241) course. The concept belongs to Professor Aleksandar Pantaleev, whom is also the professor of this game programming course.



A series of lectures I've put together to make a machine learning crash course for those interested to learn from.



This project is about providing a GUI that interfaces with a custom implementation of a HashTable Algorithm, different simularity metrics used in big data analytics and machine learning, and very large data sets from the Kepler Object API. The GUI will allow the user to display all the Kepler Objects of Interest, display only Kepler Objects of Interest with selected features, or finding the most similar Kepler Object of Interest to the one selected. An additional feature was also added to find the 2 most similar Kepler Objects of Interest in the entire data set if needed.



I designed a ship to play the game asteroids to compete in a class competition. The ship was used by the asteroids game framework built by my professor, (from which I will not be including, for it is a reused bi-annual assignment). I will provide my implementation for the ship I designed using Neuro Evolution for Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) and a genetic algorithm that I used to find an optimal ship to use in the competition.



This program has been designed utilizing concurrent programming to run multiple threads that will run instances of a Genetic Algorithm in order to find an overall optimal solution. The program has been designed to find the best seating arrangement of students based on their liking to the students adjacent to themselves.



Read a natural deduction proof in a restricted form of propositional logic (using only the ‘and’ and ‘if’ connectives, along with single hypotheses per sub-proof) from a file, then output whether the proof is valid or invalid. Validate that each line of the proof is legal; each line should perform some legal inference step, given the rules of inference being used.



Scripts to do things on social networks



This repository will be a collection of plugins I've written for the SCP SL community.



Create a program to collect at least 500 Wikipedia pages and links from these pages to other Wikipedia pages. Collect similarity data for each page using word frequencies and/or word2vec. Report the number of spanning trees (for any arbitrary node as initial starting point) as a connectivity check. Utilize caching to avoid unnecessary reconstruction. Then write a UI to read the graph, allowing the using to select any two pages (by title) and display graphically the shortest (weighted by any similarity metric) path between them, if one exists, as well as the most similar node for each.



Demo with gradio to use instance segmentation & detection with YOLOv7 to better crop images. Includes batch processing images and additional cropping tools. Objective: to automate or speed up data formatting for training or tuning other machine learning models.



This program was designed with libGDX in java for the first assignment in a game programming course.



A pytorch implementation of text-to-3D dreamfusion, powered by stable diffusion.



This program will consist set of Clojure functions that perform symbolic simplification and evaluation of boolean expressions using “and”, “or”, and “not”. “not” will be assumed to take one argument, while “and” and “or” will take one or more.

Language:Common LispLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0