CogStack / MedCATtrainer

A simple interface to inspect, improve and add concepts to biomedical NER+L -> MedCAT.

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Enable multiple users to work in the same instance of MedCATtrainer

gitrach opened this issue · comments


Currently in order for multiple users to log in to the same instance of MedCATtrainer, they need a single shared log-in to a PC, as the container cannot be shared by users. In a secure network (like in a university) users are not allowed to share accounts or passwords. This means that a full install is required for each user and the configuration must be carefully set up to ensure alignment. It would be nice if the MedCATtrainer container could be shared with other users.


Hi Tom,

Thanks for your response.

That is not quite what I am getting at.

Although multiple users can be set up in MedCATtrainer, in order for them to use that single instance, they must have a single log on for that PC, because if another user logs into that PC, they cannot access the MedCATtrainer container. Password sharing is not allowed, so MedCATtrainer then needs to be installed by each user, and it is a separate instance.

Perhaps this is more an issue with docker containers than specifically MedCATtrainer, but it might be worth noting depending on how far you will take this.

All the best,
