CogStack / CogStack-ModelServe

A model serving and governance system for CogStack NLP solutions

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is this?

Cogstack ModelServe (CMS) is a model-serving and model-governance system created for a range of CogStack NLP tasks. Targeting language models with NER and entity linking capabilities, CMS provides a one-stop shop for serving and fine-tuning models, training lifecycle management, as well as monitoring and end-to-end observability.

Install Dependencies

A virtual environment is highly recommended prior to installation. To install the dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r app/requirements.txt


Currently, CMS offers both HTTP endpoints for running NLP-related jobs and a command-line interface for administering model management tasks. Multi-language SDKs are under development for providing increased accessibility.

OpenAPI Docs:

You can use the following commands to explore available CLI options:

python app/cli/ --help
python app/cli/ serve --help

Download models:

CMS runs the NLP model packaged in a single ZIP file. To download the GA models, please follow the instructions. Contact Cogstack if you are interested in trying out Alpha release such as the de-identification model.

Run ModelServe in the system environment:


Default configuration properties can be found and tweaked in ./app/envs/.envs.

Serve models via HTTP APIs

To serve NLP models from your system environment, run the following command:

python app/cli/ serve --model-type <model-type> --model-path PATH/TO/ --host --port 8000

Then the API docs will be accessible at

Servable Model Types:

The following table summarises the servable model types with their respective output concepts:

model-type model-service output-spans
medcat_snomed medcat-snomed labelled with SNOMED concepts
medcat_icd10 medcat-icd10 labelled with ICD-10 concepts
medcat_umls medcat-umls labelled with UMLS concepts
medcat_deid medcat-deid labelled with PII concepts
transformers_deid de-identification labelled with PII concepts

Run ModelServe in the container environment:


Default configuration properties can be found and customised in ./docker/<MODEL-TYPE>/.envs

Serve models via HTTP APIs

To serve NLP models through a container, run the following command:

export CMS_UID=$(id -u $USER)
export CMS_GID=$(id -g $USER)
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d <model-service>

Then the API docs will be accessible at localhost on the mapped port specified in docker-compose.yml. The container runs as a cms non-root user configured during the image build. Ensure the model package file is owned by the currently logged-in user to avoid permission-related errors. If the file ownership is altered, you will need to rebuild the image.

Auxiliary services

In addition to the core services such as serving, training and evaluation, CMS provides several ready-to-use components to help users run CMS in a production environment. The default configuration can be customised to what suits your own needs.

ℹ️ Some environment variables with opinionated naming conventions do not necessarily imply that the stacks are bound to a specific cloud provider or even using a cloud service at all. For example, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are used to set credentials for minio, the default storage service, rather than for Amazon Web Services.

Model lifecycle management

CMS has embedded a mlflow stack to provide a pipeline of model lifecycle management, covering tracking of training/fine-tuning, model registration, versioning on new models and so on.

docker compose -f docker-compose-mlflow.yml up -d

The user authentication feature is optional and turned off by default. If you wish to enable it, consult the Management documentation.

Work with the local/remote model registry:

All models are registered in a so-called model registry, which can be run either on a local machine or on a remote HTTP server. To work with the model registry, the prerequisites include setting up the following environment variables:


After that, you can run ModelServe with a registered model. For example, with minio as the model storage backend,

python app/cli/ serve --model-type medcat_icd10 --mlflow-model-uri s3://cms-model-bucket/EXPERIMENT_ID/RUN_ID/artifacts/REGISTERED_MODEL_NAME --host --port 8000

You may want to push the package of a pretrained model to the registry before serving. For example, with minio being the model storage backend,

python app/cli/ register --model-type medcat_snomed --model-path PATH/TO/ --model-name REGISTERED_MODEL_NAME

You can also serve a registered model through standard MLflow APIs instead of ModelServe APIs:

mlflow models serve -m s3://cms-model-bucket/EXPERIMENT_ID/RUN_ID/artifacts/REGISTERED_MODEL_NAME -h -p 8001

Then the /invocations endpoint will be up and running for model scoring. For example:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "dataframe_split": {
      "columns": ["name", "text"],
      "data": [["DOC", "TEXT"], ["ANOTHER_DOC", "ANOTHER_TEXT"]]

Monitoring and observability

By default, CMS exposes most services via HTTP APIs. Their monitoring can be performed by running the mon stack:

docker compose -f docker-compose-mon.yml up -d

Log management

CMS provides a log stack to run services used for centralised logging and log analysis:

docker compose -f docker-compose-log.yml up -d


A reverse proxying service is available inside the proxy stack:

docker compose -f docker-compose-proxy.yml up -d

API Authentication

An optional user database can be spun up if authentication is needed:

docker compose -f docker-compose-auth.yml up -d

Before running ModelServe, define extra environment variables to enable the built-in token-based authentication and hook it up with the database by following this Instruction.

The diagram illustrating the interactions between core and auxiliary services is presented below:



A model serving and governance system for CogStack NLP solutions



Language:Python 96.2%Language:Dockerfile 3.2%Language:Shell 0.6%