Codercise / vscode-icons

Icons for VS Code Explorer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Bring icons to your VS Code.


Some people have reported that they cannot find the extension when they insert the installation command:

ext install vscode-icons

If you're in the same position try this:

ext install icons
# or
ext install "vscode-icons"

Extension commands

As you know to access the command palette and introduce commands you can use F1 (all OS), Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows & Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (OS X).

  • Icons Enable : It enables the extension.
  • Icons Disable: It will disable the icons.
  • Icons Update: Useful in case of extension update. It will disable and enable the icons for you refreshing the injected code and downloading new icons.

Windows users

In Windows, make sure you run your VS Code in Administrator mode before enabling or disabling the icons!

Linux users

Linux also requires you to reclaim ownership of the vs code folders You can achieve this by executing this on your terminal (Ubuntu):

#for vs code:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/share/code
#for vs code insiders:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/share/code-insiders
#if you want to check your folder's owner:
ls -la /usr/share/code
#if you want to rollback this permissions back to root:
sudo chown -R root /usr/share/code

#an alternative approach that wouldn't need all the previous steps:
sudo code --user-data-dir=.

If you're using any other Linux flavour please take a look at this Github's issue.

List of supported icons

The list is slowly growing. If you want to check what icons are currently supported take a look here. If you feel that there's some icon missing please let me know through the issues section of the Github's repo.

If you're a designer and you're willing to collaborate by showing your icons to the world you're more than welcome!! Currently, we don't have icons for the light template so any help will be really appreciated and credit will be given to you ;D

Custom icons support and offline icons support

If you want to use your own set of icons you can define a uri in your settings and the extension will look for a package there.

The default icons uri is

Very important: the icons' package must be named and contain an "icons" folder => > icons > [all the icons]

In order to set your uri you must open Preferences > User Settings and set this:

  "vsicons.icons": "http://yourUrl/"

or if you want to use a local uri then

  "vsicons.icons": "/Users/roberto/Git/github/robertohuertasm/vscode-icons/"

If you create cool icons' sets please share your urls in the Github repo as issues and I will link them here so everyone can get access to them! ;D

Custom Icon Packages

##Working Files Some of you have asked for icons for the Working Files section. As you know, this extension takes profit of the existing code by replacing it and changing a little bit its logic. There's no support from the Extension API for DOM manipulation. The Working Files section is under heavy refactoring and there are going to be changes coming soon. In fact, tabs will be implemented in this section (you can take a peek by installing the Insiders version).

In this scenario, I think it's better to wait for the next version of the Working Files section and then try to "hack" it. Possibly, once tabs are implemented the team is going to provide a proper way to extend the treeview with icons so the "hack" won't be needed at all ;P

Optional Settings

Hide folder icons

If you prefer not to show the folder icon because you feel that you have enough with the default VS Code icon then you can opt to disable it by using this setting (Preferences > User Settings):

  "vsicons.hideFolders": true

Hide icons in tabs

If you prefer not to show icons in tabs you can disable them by using this setting (Preferences > User Settings):

  "vsicons.hideIconsInTabs": true

Use custom file associations to change icons

You know you can associate certain extensions to a specific language. Now you can also leverage this feature in order to map some extensions to a different icon.

Let's say you want to map all your .js files to the html icon. Then you will have to create the file association in your settings file and then enable the extension flag.

All kind of regular expressions are allowed.

Note that the associations must be mapped to a supported extension. You can take a look at the list here. All items containted in "extensions" array are supported.

For instance, if you wanted to map asp extension to c++ icon you should do something like this:

 "vsicons": {
      "useFileAssociations": true,
          ["\\.asp$", "cxx"]

We're using an associative array instead of an object so we can respect the order of the different associations. This way you can create your own rules. First expression to be matched will win.

Note that this would also work:

 "vsicons": {
      "useFileAssociations": true,
      "associations": [
          ["\\.asp$", "cpp"]

That's mainly because .cpp, .cxx and some others are mapped to c++ icon by default (See extensions.js).

{ icon: 'c++', extensions: ['cpp', 'hpp', 'cc', 'cxx'] }

IMPORTANT: After changing file associations you have to execute the "Icons Update" command.


This extension modifies some VS Code files so use it at your own risk. Currently, icons are not supported by the extension functionality that VS Code provides so this extension solves this issue by injecting code into two files:

  • workbench.main.js
  • workbench.main.css

The extension will keep a copy of the original files in case something goes wrong. That's what the disable command will do for you.

As this extension modifies VS Code files it will get disabled with every VS Code update. You will have to enable icons again via command palette.

Take into account that this extension is still in beta so you may find some bugs while playing with it. Please, report them to the issues section of the Github's repo.

Please, leave a review if you can so the VS Code Team can know that this is a very demanded feature and, maybe, they can then provide a proper way to extend the IDE regarding icons and customizations soon enough. ;D

More file extensions will be supported shortly!

Building the extension's source code

If you're willing to explore the extension source code and want to make it work you should run this:

npm install -d
npm run build

This script will install any dependencies and generate the css/js code to be injected into vscode source code.


Tabs have disappeared.

Make sure you're running VSCode >= 1.4.0. See issue #101

I've updated to the latest version of the extension but I can't see any icon.

Probably there's been a change in icons folder location due to new VSCode folder structure. Try executing the Icons Update command.

I've installed the extension but I can't see no icons.

Remember that you have to activate the extension by executing the Icons Enable command.

I've updated my VSCode and now I can't see any icon.

As this extension will inject code into the core files of VSCode every time that VSCode gets update those changes are lost so you will have to execute Icons Update command.

If this doesn't work then maybe you're behind a proxy. In this case, see issue #21.

I've tried everything but nothing seems to be working.

Reinstall your VSCode and start afresh. It should work 99% of the times. If not, and you're a linux user check issue #146.

If still now working, then raise an issue into the Github repository but first, take a look at the closed issues as you may find there the answer to your problems. ;D

Change log

If you want to take a look at our change log just click here.



Icons for VS Code Explorer

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%