ChoiSeongHo-h / ComputerArchitecture

어셈블리를 이용한 DNN 요소 함수들 구현

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어셈블리를 이용하여 작성한 코드

추론을 위한 dot, argmax, matmul, factorial, relu 등을 구현해 보았다.

Computer Systems 컴퓨터구조론

See Midterm and Final Project:

Getting Started

Your computer needs be able to run Java and Python 3 scripts for this project. You may use Linux, Windows 10, or Mac OS.

If you run Windows 10, install Ubuntu by following this:

You need to set up the sudo password.

$sudo apt install python3
$sudo apt update
$sudo apt install default-jre
$sudo apt install unzip zip vim  git

If asked, please enter sudo password.

Download project files through git clone (try to learn git:

Throughout project, try to commit your changes by git commit -m "change message" so we can track your changes (at least for each task)

$git clone

list project files by listing


You should see ex1.s, ex2.s, factorial.s (midterm project files) and argmax.s, dot.s, main.s matmul.s files (where you will write your final project code). you can start editing

$vim argmax.s


zip project files including git log

$zip <YourName>.zip -r * .git

then, upload to LMS homework submission.


어셈블리를 이용한 DNN 요소 함수들 구현


Language:Assembly 78.9%Language:Python 16.5%Language:C 4.6%