ChingHengWang / andbot_test_joint

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


joint frame


  • cd ~/catkin_ws/src/metal1

  • git pull

  • rospack profile

  • roslaunch andbot arm_test.launch

  • rostopic list

    • check topic alive
  • rosrun andbot_test_joint teleop_home 0 0.1

    • left arm 0 Axis & 1 Axis (speed = 0.1rad/s)
    • Press '↑' and '↓'to control the 0 Axix forward and backward, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • Press '←' and '→'to control the 1 Axix left and right, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • press 'p' to pause the mvoement
  • rosrun andbot_test_joint teleop_home 1 0.1

    • left arm 2 Axis & 3 Axis (speed = 0.1rad/s)
    • Press '↑' and '↓'to control the 3 Axix forward and backward, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • Press '←' and '→'to control the 2 Axix left and right, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • press 'p' to pause the mvoement
  • rosrun andbot_test_joint teleop_home 2 0.1

    • right arm 0 Axis & 1 Axis (speed = 0.1rad/s)
    • Press '↑' and '↓'to control the 0 Axix forward and backward, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • Press '←' and '→'to control the 1 Axix left and right, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • press 'p' to pause the mvoement
  • rosrun andbot_test_joint teleop_home 3 0.1

    • right arm 2 Axis & 3 Axis (speed = 0.1rad/s)
    • Press '↑' and '↓'to control the 3 Axix forward and backward, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • Press '←' and '→'to control the 2 Axix left and right, and move this Axis to 'mechanical origin point'
    • press 'p' to pause the mvoement
  • Finally press 'Ctrl+C' to kill this node



Language:C++ 100.0%