BrodyGaudel / mappers

Mappers is a Java utility library that provides functionality for mapping entities to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and vice versa

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Mappers is a Java utility library that provides functionality for mapping entities to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and vice versa. It includes methods for copying properties between objects of different classes based on field compatibility.


  • Entity to DTO Mapping: Convert entity objects to DTO objects with ease.
  • DTO to Entity Mapping: Convert DTO objects back to entity objects effortlessly.
  • Field Compatibility: Copy properties between objects based on compatible fields.
  • Custom Exception Handling: Includes a custom runtime exception, MappersException, for handling mapping errors.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you include Mappers in your project.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or later
  • Apache Maven


// Example code demonstrating the usage of Mappers

Mappers<MyEntity, MyDTO> mappers = new Mappers<>();

// Entity to DTO mapping

MyEntity entity = new MyEntity();
MyDTO dto = mappers.fromEntity(entity, MyDTO.class);

// DTO to Entity mapping

MyDTO dto = new MyDTO();
MyEntity entity = mappers.fromDTO(dto, MyEntity.class);


To include Mappers in your Maven project, add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml file:



If you would like to contribute to the development of Mappers, please follow our Contribution Guidelines.


Inspired by the need for efficient object mapping in Java applications. Built with passion by BRODY GAUDEL MOUNANGA BOUKA.


Mappers is a Java utility library that provides functionality for mapping entities to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and vice versa


Language:Java 100.0%