BerkeleyAutomation / gqcnn

Python module for GQ-CNN training and deployment with ROS integration.

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Issue: Bug with analyze_gqcnn_performance

anmakon opened this issue · comments

System information

  • OS Platform and Distribution: Linux Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Python version: 3.5.2
  • Installed using pip or ROS: pip

Describe what you are trying to do

I'm trying to analyse a gqcnn network (trained on dexnet-2.0) on a custom dataset.

Describe current behaviour

When running python tools/analyze_gqcnn_performance GQCNN-2.0 --dataset_config_filename my/config/file, it can't find "log_rate" in the config file.

Fix for the current behaviour

In tools/analyze_gqcnn_performance, line 103 the variable config_filename is overwritten by what should be dataset_config_filename if the --datset_config_filename flag is set. Changing config_filename to dataset_config_filename solves the issue.

Hi @anmakon,

Thanks for pointing this out! I missed it because we normally don't use this flag since we analyze models on the datasets they were trained on. It has been patched in #113!
