Avi241 / Obstacle_Avoidance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo is a platform for testing the Obstacle avoidance alogirthm on the drone. This work uses sjtu_drone as a simulation platform. sjtu_drone is a quadrotor simulation program forked from ['tum_simulator'] (http://wiki.ros.org/tum_simulator) , which is developed with ROS + Gazebo.


This package is compatible with ROS Melodic version (Ubuntu 18.04). Please refer the following for the 'installation' of ROS on your computer. Prefreable is ROS melodic with ubuntu 18.04 or ROS Noetic with Ubuntu 20.04.

Download and Compiling this package

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/Avi241/Obstacle_Avoidance.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin build


The simplest way is calling after you have built the workspace successfully.

$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch sjtu_drone simple.launch

Running with keyboard

In second terminal:

$ rosrun sjtu_drone drone_keyboard


Press Z to takeoff. Now you can control your drone with keyboars as shown in the Gui

For obstacle avoidance

Go to location ~/catkin_ws/src/Obstacle_Avoidance/sjtu-drone/scripts . Open the file obstacle_avoidance.py now you can write your obstacle avoidane algorithms here in the main function of this code.\ Note : If your are using ROS Noetic change the 1st line of the code

#!/usr/bin/env python


#!/usr/bin/env python3

To run obstacle avoidance program

rosrun sjtu_drone obstacle_avoidance.py



Language:C++ 91.9%Language:CMake 4.8%Language:Python 3.4%