ArnaudBelcour / rhea_mapper

[Not maintained and not updated] Draft metabolic network reconstruction using Rhea database, Uniprot and SPARQL queries.

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This tool was a test during my PhD. Currently it is not working and I will not update it, so don't use it. It is kept for test purpose.

Rhea_mapper is a Python3 (Python >= 3.6) tool to create draft metabolic network from genomes, sparql query on Rhea or Uniprot and from tsv files containing list of Rhea reactions or Uniprot protein IDs.

Table of contents


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Python 3 (Python 3.6 is tested). rhea_mapper uses a certain number of Python dependencies:

And another tool:

  • OrthoFinder to find orthologs to uniprot with experimental evidence linked to rhea.

Installation with pip

pip install rhea_mapper


rhea_mapper has 4 main commands: genome, sparql, database and from_file.

usage: rhea_mapper [-h] [-v] {database,genome,sparql,taxonomy,from_file} ...

Create Rhea sbml files from genomes. For specific help on each subcommand use:
rhea_mapper {cmd} --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

  valid subcommands:

    database            Create rhea_mapper database [internet connection
    genome              metabolic network reconstruction from genome
    sparql              Using a SPARQL query for reaction ID on Rhea or
                        protein ID on Uniprot, create the corresponding
                        metabolic network
    taxonomy            With a taxonomy, query Uniprot to create the
                        corresponding metabolic network
    from_file           Using a tsv file with list of Rhea reaction or Uniprot
                        protein, create the corresponding metabolic network

Requires: Orthofinder for genome if you provide a fasta


This command downloads and creates the files needed by rhea_mapper to work. As it downlaods files, this funciton requires an internet connection.

By using the RDF file of Rhea, rhea_mapper will create a SBMl file, with some specificity:

  • the direction of reactions can be: arbitrary, follow MetaCyc reaction direction or follow KEGG reaction direction.
  • for the variable stoichiometric coefficient (n, n-1, n+1, 2n) in reaction, n has been set to 2.
  • genes linked to Rhea reactions with experimental evidence are associated to these reactions.
usage: rhea_mapper database [-h] -d DATABASE

Create rhea_mapper database [internet connection required]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database folder, if not existing it will be created

It will create an output_folder containing:

  • ncbi_taxonomy.dmp: taxonomy file from the NCBI containing for each taxon ID the corresponding taxon name.
  • rhea.rdf: the RDF file of Rhea database.
  • rhea2ec.tsv: mapping between Rhea reaction and EC number.
  • rhea2uniprot_sprot.tsv: mapping between Rhea reaction and Uniprot protein ID.
  • uniprot_sprot.fasta: fasta containg all amino-acids sequences from Swissprot.
  • uniprot_ec_evidence.tsv: tsv file containing Uniprot protein ID linked to EC number with experimental evidence.
  • uniprot_go_evidence.tsv: tsv file containing Uniprot protein ID linked to GO terms with experimental evidence.
  • uniprot_rhea_evidence.tsv: tsv file containing Uniprot protein ID linked to Rhea reaction with experimental evidence.
  • uniprot_rhea_evidence.fasta: fasta file containing protein linked to Rhea reaction with experimental evidence.
  • rhea.sbml: SBML file created by rhea_mapper using the rhea.rdf file and the uniprot_rhea_evidence.tsv (to have gene association).
  • version.json: contains the version number of Rhea database and Uniprot database in this folder.

Rhea files come from the Rhea download page.

uniprot_sprot.fasta is downloaded from the Uniprot download page. It is the Reviewed (Swiss-Prot).

uniprot_rhea_evidence.* files are created with a SPARQL query on the Uniprot SPARQL endpoint.


This genome takes as input folders with subfolders containing a tsv file with annotation (gene linked to EC number) and a fasta file (proteome of the species of interest).

Then it will map the EC to Rhea reactions.

in a second step it will take the proteome to search for orthologs against a database of Uniprot protein linked to Rhea reactions with experimental evidence.

Then a sbml file will be created.

usage: rhea_mapper genome [-h] [-f FOLDER] -o OUTPUT -d DATABASE [-c CPU]

metabolic network reconstruction from genome

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Input folder containing either annotation, genomes or
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output folder
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database folder, if not existing it will be created
  -c CPU, --cpu CPU     cpu number for multi-process

The structure of the input_folder is:

        ├── organism_1
        │   └── organism_1.gbk
        ├── organism_2
        │   └── organism_2.tsv
        │   └── organism_2.fasta
        ├── organism_3
        │   └── organism_3.tsv
        ├── organism_4
        │   └── organism_4.fasta
        └── organism_n
            └── organism_n.gbk

GenBank files will be converted into the format use by rhea_mapper genome meaning a tsv file + a fasta file. It is also possible to give only a fasta file or a tsv file.

The fasta file must contain amino-acids sequences.

The tsv file must be structured like:

gene EC_Number
gene_1 X.X.X.X
gene_n X.X.X.X


Using a sparql query, rhea_mapper will query either a rhea rdf file from its database, the uniprot sparql endpoint or the rhea sparql endpoint.

A Uniprot query must contain the predicate of protein Id from uniprot (?predicate a up:Protein). The set of proteins find by the sparql query will then be used to create a draft metabolic network. Rhea_mapper will use the reconstruction method of genome to have a sbml file.

For the Rhea query, it must a set of Rhea reactions (?predicate rdfs:subClassOf rh:Reaction). Then using these IDs, rhea_mapper will create the corresponding sbml files.

usage: rhea_mapper sparql [-h] [-s SPARQL] -e ENDPOINT -d DATABASE -o OUTPUT
                          [-c CPU]

Using a SPARQL query for reaction ID on Rhea or protein ID on Uniprot, create
the corresponding metabolic network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SPARQL, --sparql SPARQL
                        SPARQL query file
  -e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        Endpoint either 'uniprot' or 'rhea' or 'rhea_endpoint
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database folder, if not existing it will be created
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output folder
  -c CPU, --cpu CPU     cpu number for multi-process


From an organism name or a taxonomy group, rhea_mapper will query Uniprot to retrieve the proteins associated to this organism/taxonomy and will create a draft metabolic network form it.

usage: rhea_mapper taxonomy [-h] -d DATABASE -o OUTPUT [-c CPU]
                            [--organism ORGANISM] [--taxonomy TAXONOMY]

With a taxonomy, query Uniprot to create the corresponding metabolic network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database folder, if not existing it will be created
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output folder
  -c CPU, --cpu CPU     cpu number for multi-process
  --organism ORGANISM   Name of organism or group of organism to query uniprot
                        for Protein
  --taxonomy TAXONOMY   TSV file with taxonomy name of organism


Using a tsv file with either Rhea reactions ID or Uniprot protein IDs, rhea_mapper will create draft metabolic network.

For the Rhea reactions, it will create a sbml file.

For the Uniprot protein, it will use the reconstruction method of genome to have a sbml file.

usage: rhea_mapper from_file [-h] -l LIST -d DATABASE -o OUTPUT [-c CPU] -r

Using a tsv file with list of Rhea reaction or Uniprot protein, create the
corresponding metabolic network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LIST, --l LIST     File containing list of Rhea reacitons IDs or protein
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database folder, if not existing it will be created
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output folder
  -c CPU, --cpu CPU     cpu number for multi-process
  -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE
                        Database for reference either 'uniprot' or 'rhea'


[Not maintained and not updated] Draft metabolic network reconstruction using Rhea database, Uniprot and SPARQL queries.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%