Ar-Ray-code / YOLOX-ROS

YOLOX + ROS2 object detection package (C++ only support)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to change the topic?

Nobody-Zhang opened this issue · comments

Hello~ I'm a student trying to use this YOLOX-ROS (batch : ros1) in a program. But the robot publish Image from 'drone_0/Scene', so how can i change the code to adapt this fantastic source to the robot?
thx a lot


ROS1? I cannot guarantee that it will work because of the planned EOL for ROS1...

Please read the following document for more information on ROS1 remapping.

Thank U for answering my question.
I've read the document U gived.

ummmm, I've deleted something in launch file and py.

Like this:
Line 110:

Deleated something:

The result is: ...

QWQ could U please

ROS1? I cannot guarantee that it will work because of the planned EOL for ROS1...

Please read the following document for more information on ROS1 remapping.


Hey, thanks 2 U, I almost succeed in finishing this!
But。。。Qt version of Ur computer is?

Rewrite a python script.
Problem fixed.