Campground Reservation Web Site
Create a database that will backend a campground reservation website.
For this assignment, your database needs to be in 3rd normal form, or very close to it.
The website needs to support the following capabilities:
• Identify specific campgrounds, including
how many camp sites they have,
their address,
the name and cell phone number for the camp host,
the key amenities that the site supports
(toilets, flush toilets, water, parking, etc.), and the type of activities that are available.
• The database needs to store specific information about each campsite, including the type of spot it is ( tent, trailer, etc.), how many people it will support, the cost of the site per night, does it have shade, and a picture of the site itself.
• You will need to present users a list of available sites for a given date range.
This means you’ll need to keep track of who has the site and for what days they have it.
These are the minimums.
Your customer has come to you because you are an expert in campground management.
They’ll expect that you add other features that you feel are needed to manage a campground reservation system.
Some examples that you’ll be able to learn more from…
For this assignment, you’ll need to turn in create table scripts, sample data inserts for two campgrounds of your choice (with at least 5 or 6 spots), a database diagram showing your design, and scripts for the following elements:
• Insert statements for 2 new users of your system.
• Insert statements for reservations by these two new people for 4 day stays at one of your campgrounds.
• A query that returns all camp spots for one of your campgrounds, showing the amenities and availability for each.
Write this query to cover one of the reservations you created above.
• A query that shows how many days each spot for one of your campgrounds were reserved for a given date range.
Include the % utilization in this query
(i.e. if the date range is 30 days and the spot was reserved for 15 days in that date range, utilization is 50%).
• Write a query that shows the revenue generated by each campground,
broken out by month for June, July, August, and September.
You will need to present your design to the class, including
comments about your design decisions,
and future enhancements.