Akascape / FF-Dissolve-Glitch

A GUI based python glitch tool that uses FFMPEG to create motion interpolated glitches in your videos.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FF Dissolve Glitch

This is a free python based glitch tool that uses FFmpeg to create awesome and weird motion interpolated glitches in videos. I call it FF dissolve glitch because it creates kinda dissolving pixel type effect. I made this for those who don't like to use command line everytime and yes, its free and open source python project!


GitHub repo size

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How to Install?

  • Install these requirements using pip:
  • Download FFmpeg properly and set its path to environment.
  • Then, simply run ff-dissolve-glitch.py

How to use?

  • Click the OPEN button and choose your video file (short videos are recommended)
  • Choose the desired modes and parameters
  • Then simply click the export button and wait for the video to get baked. (Conversions will be very slow)
  • After baking, you can view the video and see the results.
    Note: Press q in the command shell if you want to safely end any ffmpeg process.
    (You can try experimenting with all the modes but some modes may not give any result)

More information about motion interpolation modes are given here: ffmpeg-filters: interpolate




Original Glitched
Untitled_converted_converted Untitled_dissolve_glitched_BILAT_UMH_AOBMC_converted


More Info

This project is possible because of Antonio Roberts's guide on motion-interpolation-glitch-using-ffmpeg, so a big thanks to Antonio. You can see his full guide where he described all the combinations of modes with video examples.

Follow me : Akascape
I have also created some glitch tools for datamoshing, ascii art, image glitching and more, so go and check them out!

Thanks for visiting!