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[CVPR 2024 Oral] Official repository of "PaSCo: Urban 3D Panoptic Scene Completion with Uncertainty Awareness"

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PaSCo: Urban 3D Panoptic Scene Completion with Uncertainty Awareness

CVPR 2024 Oral

Anh-Quan Cao1    Angela Dai2    Raoul de Charette1   

1 Inria 2 Technical University of Munich

arXiv Project page

If you find this work or code useful, please cite our paper and give this repo a star:

      title={PaSCo: Urban 3D Panoptic Scene Completion with Uncertainty Awareness}, 
      author={Anh-Quan Cao and Angela Dai and Raoul de Charette},
      booktitle = {CVPR}


Table of Content


  • 06/04/2024: Dataset download instructions and label generation code for SemanticKITTI are now available.
  • 04/04/2024: PaSCo has been accepted as Oral paper at CVPR 2024 (0.8% = 90/11,532).
  • 05/12/2023: Paper released on arXiv! Code will be released soon! Please watch this repo for updates.

1. Installation

  1. Download the source code with git

    git clone
  2. Create conda environment:

    conda create -y -n pasco python=3.9
    conda activate pasco
  3. Install pytorch 1.13.0

    pip install torch==1.13.0+cu117 torchvision==0.14.0+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
  4. Install Minkowski Engine v0.5.4

  5. Install the additional dependencies:

    cd PaSCo/
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Install PaSCo

    pip install -e ./

2. Data

2.1. Semantic KITTI

Please download the following data into a folder e.g. /gpfsdswork/dataset/SemanticKITTI and unzip:

  • The Semantic Scene Completion dataset v1.1 (SemanticKITTI voxel data (700 MB)) from SemanticKITTI website

  • The KITTI Odometry Benchmark calibration data (Download odometry data set (calibration files, 1 MB)).

  • The KITTI Odometry Benchmark Velodyne data (Download odometry data set (velodyne laser data, 80 GB)).

  • The dataset folder at /gpfsdswork/dataset/SemanticKITTI should have the following structure:

    └── /gpfsdswork/dataset/SemanticKITTI
      └── dataset
        ├── poses
        └── sequences

3. Panoptic labels generation

3.1. Semantic KITTI

  1. Create a folder to store preprocess data for Semantic KITTI dataset e.g. /gpfsscratch/rech/kvd/uyl37fq/pasco_preprocess/kitti .
  2. Execute the command below to generate panoptic labels, or move to the next step to directly download the pre-generated labels:
    cd PaSCo/
    python label_gen/ \
        --kitti_config=pasco/data/semantic_kitti/semantic-kitti.yaml \
        --kitti_root=/gpfsdswork/dataset/SemanticKITTI \
        --kitti_preprocess_root=/gpfsscratch/rech/kvd/uyl37fq/pasco_preprocess/kitti \


This command doesn't need GPU. Processing 4649 files took approximately 10 hours using 10 processes. The number of processes can be adjusted by modifying the n_process parameter.

  1. You can download the generated panoptic labels for Semantic KITTI:

    1. Go to the preprocess folder for KITTI:
      cd /gpfsscratch/rech/kvd/uyl37fq/pasco_preprocess/kitti
    2. Download the compressed file:
    3. Extract the file:
      tar xvf kitti_instance_label_v2.tar.gz
  2. Your folder structure should look as follows:

    └── instance_labels_v2
        ├── 00
        ├── 01
        ├── 02
        ├── 03
        ├── 04
        ├── 05
        ├── 06
        ├── 07
        ├── 08
        ├── 09
        └── 10
  3. The partial dataloader for the KITTI dataset is available here. The full version will be released later.

3.2. KITTI-360


The research was supported by the French project SIGHT (ANR-20-CE23-0016), the ERC Starting Grant SpatialSem (101076253), and the SAMBA collaborative project co-funded by BpiFrance in the Investissement d’Avenir Program. Computation was performed using HPC resources from GENCI–IDRIS (2023-AD011014102, AD011012808R2). We thank all Astra-Vision members for their valuable feedbacks, including Andrei Bursuc and Gilles Puy for excellent suggestions and Tetiana Martyniuk for her kind proofreading.


[CVPR 2024 Oral] Official repository of "PaSCo: Urban 3D Panoptic Scene Completion with Uncertainty Awareness"

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%