Aetopia / ResEnforce

A application to enforce desktop resolutions on specific applications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ResEnforce is a rewrite of Resolution Enforcer but in Nim instead of Python.

What is Resolution Enforcer?

A simple program to enforce desktop resolutions on specific applications. (Win32 and UWP apps.)

This program fundamentally allows you to force an application to run at a specific resolution of your choice.
Additionally, Resolution Enforcer will minimize your game when you switch windows or [Alt] + [Tab].
Useful for UWP/Fullscreen Borderless Games since those don't support the ability to use lower resolutions.


  1. Grab the latest release from GitHub Releases.

  2. Run ResEnforce.exe.

  3. This will generate a Options.ini file.

  4. Open the file and it should look like this:

    ; Title or Executable Name = Resolution
    ; Example.exe = 1600x900
    ; Example = 1280x720 
  5. Adding a new profile is easy:
    Note: Executable and title names are case sensitive!

    1. For Win32 Applications: App.exe = A x B
      Where, App.exe is the name of the executable and A x B is the resolution to be used.
      Example: HaloInfinite.exe = 1600x900

    2. For UWP Apps: App Title = A x B
      Where, App Title is the name of the UWP App and A x B is the resolution to be used.
      Example: Minecraft = 1280x720

  6. You end up with:

    ; Title or Executable Name = Resolution
    ; Example.exe = 1600x900
    ; Example = 1280x720 
    Minecraft = 1280x720
    HaloInfinite.exe = 1600x900
  7. Simply save the file!

How to close Resolution Enforcer?

There are 2 ways to close Resolution Enforcer ResEnforce.exe:

  1. In CMD or PowerShell run:

    taskkill /im ResEnforce.exe /f
  2. Through Task Manager:



  1. Download the source code.

    # You can easily grab them via Scoop.
    scoop.cmd install upx

    You can install the Nim Compiler from:

    Once Nim is installed on your system, fetch winim (Nim's Windows API and COM Library).

    Note: Make sure Git is installed!

    nimble install winim
  2. Run in PowerShell:

    # Compile ResEnforce.
    nim -d:release --app:gui -o:ResEnforce.exe c src/main.nim
    # Compress the compiled executable.
    upx -9 ResEnforce.exe


A application to enforce desktop resolutions on specific applications.

License:MIT License


Language:Nim 100.0%