AIS-Bonn / TopiCo

Time-optimal Trajectory Generation and Control

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exception with undefined waypoint components from C++

bbbcode opened this issue · comments


I'm having some issues generating multi-point trajectories with unconstrained velocities and accelerations at intermediate waypoints. When setting those to NaNs I get the following:

Domain error. To compute complex results from real x, use 'sqrt(complex(x))'.
Error in error (line 19)

Here's a link to a modified version of main.cpp that demonstrates the issue. In it I'm moving axis 0 to positions [5, 4, 3], with velocities [0, NaN, 0] and accelerations [0, NaN, 0].

Hi bbbcode,
thanks for reporting this Bug. I can confirm it on my machine. I pushed a Bugfix for the MATLAB (plain and mexa64) version. Feel free to use the generate_code.m to generate updated c files. I will need some time to update the cpp version in the repo since I want to switch the ROS node from the static library to including the cpp sources...
