Package for generation of symbolic (SX) expressions of robot kinematics and dynamics. Based on URDF and Pinocchio.
3.4.5, built from source is highly recommended on ubuntu 16.04 and later (however, check withpip show casadi
latest devel branch (mandatory)pybind11
for generating python bindingsurdfdom
(tested on ROS Kinetic)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from casadi import *
import casadi_kin_dyn.pycasadi_kin_dyn as cas_kin_dyn
urdf = rospy.get_param('robot_description') # get urdf as string
kindyn = cas_kin_dyn.CasadiKinDyn(urdf) # construct main class
fk_str ='base_link')
fk = Function.deserialize(fk_str)
id_str = kindyn.rnea()
id = Function.deserialize(id_str)
Output on a 5-dof system:
forward_kinematics:(q[5])->(ee_pos[3],ee_rot[3x3]) SXFunction
rnea:(q[5],v[5],a[5])->(tau[5]) SXFunction