20centaurifux / severin

A Clojure API for implementing resource pooling.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



severin provides a Clojure API for implementing resource pools, such as network and database connections.


The library can be installed from Clojars using Leiningen:

Clojars Project

Creating and releasing resources

Resources have an associated URI. They are created and placed back in pool with create! and dispose!.

(defn pool (make-pool))

(let [r (create! pool "monger://localhost")]
  ; do something
  (dispose! pool r))

with-pool evaluates a body in a try expression. Created resources are bound to names. The finally clause calls dispose! on each name.

(with-pool pool [db "monger://localhost"
                 file "file:///tmp/helloworld.txt"]
 ; do something

Resource lifecycle

The lifecycle of every resource type is managed by a factory.

(defprotocol FactoryProtocol
    [this uri]
    "Creates a new resource from a URI.")

    [this resource]
    "Disposes a resource.")

    [this resource uri]
    "Recycles an existing resource and assigns a URI.")

    [this resource]
    "Tests if a resource is still valid."))

The make-factory multimethod creates a factory from a URI by dispatching on the scheme.

(defmulti make-factory
  "Creates a factory from a URI by dispatching on the scheme."
  #(-> %

Pool internals

A pool is a Ref holding a map. It can be created with make-pool.

Disposed resources are pushed onto a queue. Queues are grouped by resource URIs. This association can be customized by implementing the URI->KeyProtocol.

(defprotocol URI->KeyProtocol
    [this uri]
    "Converts a URI to a keyword."))

When implementing a pool for network connections like HTTP you might want to group resources by hostname instead of the full URI.



    [this uri]
    (-> uri

Factory example

In this example we implement a pool for file input streams.

(ns severin.example
  (:require [severin.core :refer :all]))

(defrecord FileReaderFactory []
    [this uri]
    (let [resource (clojure.java.io/make-input-stream uri {})]
      (.mark resource 0)

    [this resource]
    (.close resource))

    [this resource uri]
    (.reset resource)

    [this resource]

(defmethod make-factory "file"

Creating a stream for the very first time a mark is set. The cursor is positioned to the beginning of the file when a resource is recycled.

Let's create a pool and open a file.

=> (def pool (make-pool :max-size 5)) ; queues can grow up to 5 resources
=> (def s (create! pool "file:///tmp/some/file"))

Everything looks fine until you place back the resource in pool.

=> (dispose! pool s)
=> IllegalArgumentException Couldn't get URI from resource.

What happened here? As described before factories are created by dispatching on the scheme. Therefore you have to specify the URI if it's not provided by the resource itself.

=> (dispose! pool "file:///tmp/some/file" s)

You can fix this by adding a custom resource type which implements URIProtocol.

(ns severin.filereader
   :extends java.io.BufferedInputStream
   :init init
   :state state
   :constructors {[String][java.io.InputStream]})
   (:require [severin.core :refer [URIProtocol -uri]]))

(defn -init
  [[(-> uri

(extend severin.filereader
  {:-uri #(.state %)})

After updating the factory you can dispose resources without specifying the URI.

=> (dispose! pool s)

If a resource doesn't implement URIProtocol severin tries to lookup :uri. This makes it possible to use maps instead of custom types.

(defrecord FileReaderFactory []
    [this uri]
    (let [stream (clojure.java.io/make-input-stream uri {})]
      (.mark stream 0)
      {:uri uri
       ::stream stream}))



A Clojure API for implementing resource pooling.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%