0JCRG0 / JobsCrawler

An asynchronous web scraper that collects job postings from various online platforms into a PostgreSQL database using tailored scraping strategies.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Project Overview

JobsCrawler is designed to aggregate job listings from a variety of sources including job boards, custom RSS feeds, and traditional APIs. It utilizes a combination of Selenium, BeautifulSoup (bs4), custom RSS readers, and direct API calls with the requests library to scrape job postings and save them to a PostgreSQL database, either locally or managed.

The project operates asynchronously, with each tool having its own unique strategy implemented in separate async files. These strategies are orchestrated together in main.py.

The embeddings branch is an enhanced version of the project that focuses on embedding the results from each module and offers improved modularity. Notably, this branch is compatible with Windows and can be implemented out of the box for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), unlike the main branch.

Table of Contents

How It Works

Each module within JobsCrawler is configured with two JSON schemas: prod and test. These schemas define the parameters for the scraping process, such as CSS selectors, the strategy to be used, and the number of pages to crawl. Here is an example JSON object for the site 4dayweek.io:

    "name": "https://4dayweek.io",
    "url": "https://4dayweek.io/remote-jobs/fully-remote/?page=",
    "pages_to_crawl": 1,
    "start_point": 1,
    "strategy": "container",
    "follow_link": "yes",
    "inner_link_tag": ".row.job-content-wrapper .col-sm-8.cols.hero-left",
    "elements_path": [
            "jobs_path": ".row.jobs-list",
            "title_path": ".row.job-tile-title",
            "link_path": ".row.job-tile-title h3 a",
            "location_path": ".job-tile-tags .remote-country",
            "description_path": ".job-tile-tags .tile-salary"
  • To add a new website to the crawler, create a corresponding JSON object with the required parameters.
  • For testing, set pipeline=TEST to ensure the correct data is being scraped, and save the schema to the appropriate JSON file (e.g., bs4_test.json).
  • Before running any tests, ensure that your environment variables are correctly set up.
  • For debugging, enable logging as there are numerous log statements placed at common breakpoints.
  • Typically, each batch of data is saved in a CSV file for manual inspection, aiding in data cleaning.


Main Branch

The main branch contains the core functionality of JobsCrawler. It is not compatible with Windows due to certain dependencies.

Embeddings Branch

The embeddings branch is an updated version that includes embedding capabilities and is modularized for better integration with RAG models. This branch is Windows compatible.

Quickstart - Main Branch

To get started with the main branch:

  1. Ensure you have Python and pip installed.
  2. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install the required dependencies using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up your .env file based on the .env.example provided.

Quickstart - Embeddings Branch

For the embeddings branch:

  1. Ensure you have Conda installed.
  2. Clone the repository and switch to the embeddings branch.
  3. Set up the Conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
  4. Set up your .env file based on the .env.example provided.


An asynchronous web scraper that collects job postings from various online platforms into a PostgreSQL database using tailored scraping strategies.



Language:Python 100.0%