zzbn12345 / WHOSe_Heritage

Data and Code for a paper accepted by Findings of EMNLP 2021

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WHOSe Heritage

This is the Code for the Paper 'WHOSe Heritage: Classification of UNESCO World Heritage Statements of “Outstanding Universal Value” Documents with Soft Labels' published in Findings of EMNLP 2021.


Cite as

Bai, N., Luo, R., Nourian, P., & Pereira Roders, A. (2021). WHOSe Heritage: Classification of UNESCO World Heritage Statements of “Outstanding Universal Value” with Soft Labels. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021 (pp. 366-384). [34] Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2021.findings-emnlp.34/

    title = "{WHOS}e {H}eritage: {C}lassification of {UNESCO} {W}orld {H}eritage Statements of ''{O}utstanding {U}niversal {V}alue{''} with Soft Labels",
    author = "Bai, Nan  and
      Luo, Renqian  and
      Nourian, Pirouz  and
      Pereira Roders, Ana",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.findings-emnlp.34",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.34",
    pages = "366--384",


Nan, Bai, & Renqian, Luo. (2021, Sep 6). WHOSe_Heritage: Supplementary material for WHOSe Heritage (Version v2.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5463898

  author       = {Nan, Bai and
                  Renqian, Luo},
  title        = {WHOSe\_Heritage: Supplementary material for WHOSe Heritage},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2021,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v2.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5463898},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5463898}

Requirment and Dependency

bertviz (please download the repository bertviz and put under the root as ./bertviz)

fastai == 2.1.9

matplotlib == 3.3.3

numpy == 1.19.2

pandas == 1.1.5

python == 3.7.4

scikit-learn == 0.23.2

scipy == 1.5.3

seaborn == 0.11.1

statsmodels == 0.12.0

torch == 1.7.0

torchtext == 0.8.0

tqdm == 4.45.0

transformers == 3.0.2


All datasets used in the paper is saved under ./Data folder.

Training Data

./Data/ouv_with_splits_full.csv is the main dataset used for training and evaluation pre-processed from the justification field of open-access dataset provided by UNESCO World Heritage Centre Copyright©1992- 2021 UNESCO/World Heritage Centre. All rights reserved .

data len TRUE fuzzy id single split
3135 these living historic towns are an outstanding example of traditional human settlements and the last surviving evidence of an original and traditional mode of occupying space , very representative of the nomadic culture and long distance trade in a desert environment 39 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.2] 750 5 train

data is the field for text description; len is the field for sentence length in number of words; TRUE is an array-of-int-like string showing the ground-truth sentence label; fuzzy is an array-of-float-like string showing the parental property label; id is the ID of corresponding World Heritage property; single is the categorical ground-truth label of the sentence; and split is the train/validation/test split of training and inference process.

./Data/all_with_splits_full.csv is the dataset used for domain-specific pre-training and fine-tuning the language model for ULMFiT model.

./Data/Coappearance_matrix.csv is the data indicating the co-occurrence pattern of OUV in all world heritage properties, which is used as the base for the prior variant of Label Smoothing (LS).

Inference Data

./Data/sd_full.csv is the independent test dataset used for inference adapted from the short_description field of open-access dataset provided by UNESCO World Heritage Centre Copyright©1992- 2021 UNESCO/World Heritage Centre. All rights reserved.

./Data/Social_media.csv is a social media dataset used for inference and human evaluation collected from Flickr in the region of Venice.

Expert Evaluation Data

./Data/human_rates.csv is the dataset containing all the samples used for human study (expert evaluation), from the data sources of justification, brief synthesis, and social media, separated with tabs \t.

In this dataset, [baseline]_max_[k]_col is the field to indicate the kth prediction of the [baseline] model (bert or ulmfit), and [baseline]_max_[k]_val is the corresponding confidence score; [baseline]_max_[k] is the sum of confidence scores of top-k predictions; same_1 indicates if both models have the same top-1 prediction; same_3 is the Intersection over Union (IoU) of the top-3 predictions by both models; pos is the list of three sampled positive classes, and neg is the sampled negative class.

Expert Evaluation Questionnaire

./Data/Questionnaire/OUV_Venice_expert.qsf is the original questionnaire of human study which could be imported into Qualtrics.

./Data/Questionnaire/OUV_Venice_expert_May+9%2C+2021_05.19.csv is the result of human study downloaded from the survey conducted on Qualtrics.

GloVe Embeddings

Please download the 300-dimension GloVe embedding and put it under ./Data/glove/glove.6B.300d.txt.



Five baselines are performed for this paper:

Baseline Name in Paper Name in Repo Trainable Model Size Infrastructure
N-gram with MLP N-gram ngram 3.82M 1 NVIDIA P100
Bag-of-Embeddings with MLP BoE boe 1.88M 1 Intel i7-8850H
GRU with Attention GRU+Attn attn 0.18M 1 NVIDIA P100
ULMFiT with AWD-LSTM ULMFiT ulmfit 24.55M 1 Intel i7-8850H
BERT BERT bert 109.49M 4 NVIDIA P100


Checkpoint models both with and without LS to produce the results in the submitted paper are saved on Google Drive. Please download the model_storage.zip and unzip under the root.

The checkpoints with and without LS will be under ./model_storage/[baseline]/1337/model.pth and ./model_storage/[baseline]/baseline/model.pth, respectively.

The full training data of all LS configurations for each baseline are saved under ./model_storage/[baseline]/hyperdict_fuzzy.p.

For ULMFiT, the fine-tuned language model on domain-specific task is saved under ./model_storage/ulmfit/finetuned.pth


The inference process of all baselines both with and without LS are saved in corresponding jupyter notebooks with results of our checkpoint models shown under ./[baseline]_inference.ipynb.

These notebooks include model architecture, inference on pretrained language model (only for ULMFiT), the performance on test split, inference on single sentence examples with inference time, top k words, attention visualization (only for GRU+Attn and BERT), confusion matrices, and model performance on individual SD test dataset with inference time.

Statistics and Graphs

The analytical process on determining best LS configuration, the statistics on the OUV classes, and the generation of all graphs are demonstrated in the jupyter notebooks ./LS_Experiments.ipynb and ./Statistic_Test.ipynb, respectively.

Expert Evaluation Results

The analytical process on the expert evaluation questionnair is demonstrated in the jupyter notebooks ./Human_Study_Analysis.ipynb.

LS Experiments

The results of LS experiments under 10 random seeds are saved under the repository ./LS_exp/[baseline]/[seed]/hyperdict_fuzzy.p. The data here are to be analysed by ./LS_Experiments.ipynb.


Codes for each baseline used for saving the best performing model with LS under random seed 1337 are saved under the root of this repository as ./[baseline].py.

To save best models with LS, run ./[baseline].py. Models will be saved under corresponding repository for the baselines ./model_storage/[baseline]/model.pth.

To save baseline models without LS, change the definition to s_fuzzy_lambda = [0] in function fuzzy_exp().

To perform LS experiment with the same random seed, change the definition for s_fuzzy_how and s_fuzzy_lambda in function fuzzy_exp().

To perform LS experiment with 10 random seeds, change the definition for s_seed in function main().

To perform hyperparameter search, uncomment the corresponding lines in function main().


The inference results and performance of all baselines are saved under the repository ./Results/.

Overall Results

./Results/Results.xlsx records the main results from the baselines.

The Sheet Metrics records the performance in Table 2 in the paper submission and Table 3 in the Appendix.

The Sheet Per_Class records the per-class metrics performance of all baselines.

The Sheet Results is a transformation of Per_Class for saving ./Results/Results.txt to be used and analysed by ./Statistic_Test.ipynb.

Results for Human Evaluation

./Results/experts_rates_full records the results from the expert evaluation human study.

data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 class pos top1 same1 same3 source bert ulmfit score exp
26 With the unusualness of an archaeological site which still breathes life, venice bears testimony unto itself. - Criterion (iii) - testimony 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 iii True True True 1.0 justification 0.745 0.825 0.785 4.625

data is the field of sentence-criterion pair for evaluation; [k] are the fields to record the rating of the kth expert during evaluation on a 5-point Likert scale; class is the criterion label to be evaluated; pos indicates if the criterion is within the positive classes; top1 indicates if the criterion is the top-1 prediction with highest confidence score by both models; same1 indicates if the top-1 predictions of BERT and ULMFiT are same for this sentence; same3 records the IoU of top-3 predictions of both models for this sentence; source shows the source of the data; bert shows the confidence score of BERT of this sentence-criterion pair prediction; ulmfit shows the confidence score of ULMFiT; score is the average confidence score of both models; and exp is the average rating of the eight experts.

Results for each Baseline

For each baseline, five csv files are saved under ./Results/[baseline]/, including confusion_matrix.csv and per_class_metrics.csv for best models with LS and the baselines, and top_words.csv indicating the top N-gram keywords predicted for each OUV criterion with the highest confidence score.

For BERT and ULMFiT, five additional csv files are saved under ./Results/[baseline]/ as preparation for expert evaluation, including error_analysis.csv for the per-class predictions on the justification texts in SOUV; venice_des_pred.csv and venice_des_score.csv for thee per-class prediction on the brief synthesis and short description texts in Venice's SOUV; and social_media_pred.csv and social_media_score.csv for thee per-class prediction on the social media texts collected in Venice.


Data and Code for a paper accepted by Findings of EMNLP 2021


License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 94.0%Language:Python 6.0%