zxjViva / awesome_extensions

An extension to the widget that helps to reduce the boilerplate and adds some helpful methods. and you can make responsive design.

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Awesome Extensions

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  1. Go to pubspec.yaml
  2. add a awesome_extensions and replace [version] with the latest version:
 awesome_extensions: ^[version]
  1. click the packages get button or flutter pub get

See awesome_extensions for docs & samples


An extension to the widget helps reduce the boilerplate and adds some helpful methods. and you can make a responsive design.

Theme Extensions


From the TextStyle Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
Text('Hello World',style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelSmall),

Text('Hello World', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 40)

// After
Text('Hello World',style: context.labelSmall),
// OR
Text('Hello World',style: context.displaySmall),
// If you want to bold text then 
Text('Hello World',style: context.labelSmall.bold),   

Similar fontWeight are:

  • mostThick The most thick - FontWeight.w900
  • extraBold Extra-bold - FontWeight.w800
  • bold Bold - FontWeight.bold - FontWeight.w700
  • semiBold Semi-bold - FontWeight.w600
  • medium Medium - FontWeight.w500
  • regular Regular - FontWeight.w400
  • light Light - FontWeight.w300
  • extraLight Extra-light - FontWeight.w200
  • thin Thin, the least thick - FontWeight.w100

Similar 2021 TextStyle are:

  • context.displayLarge
  • context.displayMedium
  • context.displaySmall
  • context.headlineLarge
  • context.headlineMedium
  • context.headlineSmall
  • context.titleLarge
  • context.titleMedium
  • context.titleSmall
  • context.bodyLarge
  • context.bodyMedium
  • context.bodySmall
  • context.labelLarge
  • context.labelMedium
  • context.labelSmall


If you dont want use theme, then we have some other methods:

Text('Hello World')

Similar methods are:

  • textScale() TextScale
  • bold() Bold Text
  • italic() Italic Text
  • fontWeight() Specific FontWeight
  • fontSize() Specific FontSize
  • letterSpacing() Specific LetterSpacing
  • wordSpacing() Specific WordSpacing
  • fontFamily() Specific FontFamily
  • textShadow() Specific TextShadow
  • textColor() TextColor
  • textAlignment() Specific TextAlignment
  • withUnderLine() TextUnderLine


From the Theme class. Access your themes right in the context instance.

  • context.theme
  • context.textTheme
  • context.primaryTextTheme
  • context.bottomAppBarTheme
  • context.bottomSheetTheme
  • context.appBarTheme
  • context.backgroundColor
  • context.primaryColor
  • context.primaryColorLight
  • context.primaryColorDark
  • context.focusColor
  • context.hoverColor
  • context.dividerColor
  • context.scaffoldBackgroundColor

Media Query Extensions For Responsive Layout

From the MediaQuery Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
     width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
     height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
// After
     width: context.width,
     height: context.width,

Similar extensions are:

  • context.height /// Height of the Screen,
  • context.width // Width of Screen
  • context.mediaQuerySize
  • context.orientation
  • context.mediaQueryPadding
  • context.alwaysUse24HourFormat
  • context.devicePixelRatio
  • context.platformBrightness
  • context.textScaleFactor
  • context.isLandscape
  • context.isPortrait
  • context.mediaQueryViewPadding
  • context.mediaQueryViewInsets
  • context.mediaQueryShortestSide
  • context.showNavbar // True if width be larger than 800
  • context.isPhone // True if the shortestSide is smaller than 600p
  • context.isTablet // True if the current device is Tablet
  • context.isSmallTablet // True if the shortestSide is largest than 600p
  • context.isLargeTablet // True if the shortestSide is largest than 720p
//Check in what platform the app is running

//Check the device type
//All platforms are supported independently in web!
//You can tell if you are running inside a browser
//on Windows, iOS, OSX, Android, etc.

// Returns a value<T> according to the screen size
// can give value for:
// mobile: if the shortestSide is smaller than 600
// tablet: if the shortestSide is smaller than 1200
// desktop: if width is largest than 1200
    T? mobile,
    T? tablet,
    T? desktop,

// Example
    child: context.responsiveValue(
        mobile: Container(
          color: Colors.yellow,
          width: context.width,
          height: context.height,
        tablet: Container(
          color: Colors.green,
          width: context.width,
          height: context.height,
        desktop: Container(
          color: Colors.black,
          width: context.width,
          height: context.height,

Navigation Extensions

From the Navigator Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
    MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondScreen()),

// After

// for push

// for back , you can also add back result data

// for replace

// popUntil

Widget Extensions

This extension is reduced more code.


// Before
    height : 20.0
// After
// make space of 20.0 height

// for width


// Before
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  child: Text("text"),

// After

Similar padding extensions are:

  • paddingAll Creates insets from offsets from all side.
  • paddingOnly Creates insets with only the given values non-zero.
  • paddingLTRB Creates insets from offsets from the left, top, right, and bottom.
  • paddingSymmetric Creates insets with symmetrical vertical and horizontal offsets.
  • paddingFromWindowPadding Creates insets that match the given window padding.


// Before
  opacity: 0.5,
  child: Text("text"),

// After


Now we can just add round corners, shadows, align, and added gestures to our Widgets.

      height: 100,
       width: 100,)
         .withRoundCorners(backgroundColor: Colors.grey)
         .withTooltip('My Tooltip')
         .paddingOnly(left: 10)
         .onTap(() => print('tap'))
         .onLongPress(() => print('long press'))

Automatic detect platform and show material and cupertino dialog

context.showAlertDialog(title: 'title',
                        message: 'message',)

Shimmer Effect


Container(height: 50,width: 50,).applyShimmer();

you can also change color of shimmer using Color baseColor, Color highlightColor.

Nil Widget

Sometimes, according to a condition, we want to display nothing. Usually when we can't return null, we would return something like const SizedBox() for example.

This is good, but it has some performance impacts since SizedBox creates a RenderObject. The RenderObject lives in the render tree and some computations are performed on it, even if it paints nothing on the screen.

We can do better, we can have a widget which does not create a RenderObject, while being still valid. The Nil widget is the minimal implementation for this use case. It only creates an Element and does nothing while it's building. Because the optimal way to use it, is to call const Nil(), it also comes with a nil constant that you can use everywhere (which is a const Nil()).

// Good
text != null ? Text(text) : const Container()
// Better
text != null ? Text(text) : const SizedBox()
text != null ? Text(text) : nil
if (text != null) Text(text)

Date Extensions

// for check two date are same or not
date.isSameDate(otherdate);    // its return bool (true/false)

// for check date is today's date
date.isToday    // its return bool (true/false)

// for check this date is yesterday's date
date.isYesterday    // its return bool (true/false)

Number Extensions

Future & Duration

Utility to delay some callback (or code execution).

print('+ wait for 2 seconds');
await 2.delay();
print('- 2 seconds completed');
print('+ callback in 1.2sec');
1.delay(() => print('- 1.2sec callback called'));

Easy way to make Durations from numbers.

print(1.seconds + 200.milliseconds);
print(1.hours + 30.minutes);


String Extensions

//your name => Your Name,
'your name'.capitalize();
//your name => Your name,
'your name'.capitalizeFirst();
//your name => yourname
'your name'.removeAllWhitespace();

// match any RegExp
//return bool if match RegExp

Url Strategy

With a simple call of setPathUrlStrategy, your Flutter web app does not have a leading # in the URL anymore 🚀

void main() {
// Here we set the URL strategy for our web app.
// It is safe to call this function when running on mobile or desktop as well.

Avatar Image

   backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
     shape: AvatarImageShape.standard,
     size: ImageSize.LARGE,
     child: Text('Lucky'),
          backgroundColor: Colors.red,

    shape: AvatarImageShape.circle,
    child: Text('JP'),
    backgroundColor: Colors.red,

avatar-image avatar-name

Properties Description
child type of [Widget], which can have text , icon etc
backgroundColor Color to fill the background of avatar
foregroundColor Color to change the textColor inside the avatar
radius size of the avatar
minRadius minimum size of the avatar
maxRadius maximun size of the avatar
size size of the avatar i.e ImageSize.large, ImageSize.medium, ImageSize.small
shape shape of the avatar i.e, AvatarImageShape.standard, AvatarImageShape.circle, AvatarImageShape.square
borderRadius extra radius to avatar shapes, not applicable to circular avatar


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  • Start this repository
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  • Share this package
  • Create issues if you find a Bug or want to suggest something


Supported by JetBrains Open Source


An extension to the widget that helps to reduce the boilerplate and adds some helpful methods. and you can make responsive design.


License:MIT License


Language:Dart 68.8%Language:C++ 17.4%Language:CMake 8.5%Language:HTML 4.1%Language:C 0.8%Language:Swift 0.4%Language:Kotlin 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%