zumbov2 / SwissParliamentarySpeeches

Collection of speeches in the Swiss Parliament since 1999.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Swiss Parliamentary Speeches

The dataset contains all speeches given in the Swiss Parliament since the 1999 winter session (Wintersession 1999) as well as further information on the speakers, the items of business discussed and the debates. The data were collected using web scraping and are updated at irregular intervals.

Key Figures

File typ: .rds
File size: ~274.2 MB
Items of business covered: 14'353
Debates: 22'092
Speeches: 160'597
Number of words (spoken, cf. below): 55'912'341




Importing into R

# Download file to working directory
download.file("https://www.gfzb.ch/swisspoliticalspeeches/20190910.rds", "my_file.rds")

# Import
dt <- readRDS("my_file.rds")


Variable Description
s_transcript_raw Raw transcript of the speech as extracted from the website of the Swiss Parliament.
s_transcript Speech without unspoken content (brackets, page references)
s_speaker_name Name of the speaker
s_speaker_council Council of the speaker (BR = Bundesrat (Federal Council), BK = Bundeskanzler (Federal Chancellor), NR = Nationalrat (National Council), SR = Ständerat (Council of states))
s_speaker_canton Canton of the speaker (2-letter abbreviation, only for NR and SR)
s_speaker_faction Faction affiliation of the speaker
s_speaker_president Dummy variable, if s_speaker_president == 1 the speaker is council president (subsequently coded by date)
s_link Link to the original transcript on the website of the Swiss Parliament
s_link_video Link to video of the speech on the website of the Swiss Parliament
s_language_cld2 Main language detected by cld2 (subsequently coded)
s_length_words Length of the non-raw transcript in words (subsequently coded)
b_number ID of the discussed item of business
b_title_german Title of the discussed item of business in german
b_title_french Title of the discussed item of business in french
b_link Link to the item of business on the website of the Swiss Parliament
d_session Session of the debate
d_date Date of the debate (YYYY-MM-DD)
d_time Start time of the debate (HHhMM)
d_council Council of debate (NR = Nationalrat (National Council), SR = Ständerat (Council of states), VB = Vereinigte Bundesversammlung (United federal Assembly))
d_preliminary Dummy variable, if d_preliminary == 1 the transcripts of the debate are preliminary.
scraping_timestamp Time of scraping

Proposed Citation

Zumbach, David (2019). Swiss Parliamentary Speeches (1999-2019). Zürich: Grünenfelder Zumbach GmbH.

Publications (and applications)

Twitter Example


# Load packages
pacman::p_load(dplyr, quanteda, lubridate, purrr, ggwordcloud)

# Create a document-feature matrix from the transcripts
dt_dfm <- quanteda::corpus(
  docnames = dt$s_link,
  docvars = dt %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(d_date)) %>% 
  ) %>%
    tolower = FALSE,
    remove_punct = TRUE,
    remove_numbers = TRUE, 
    remove = c(
      quanteda::stopwords(language = c("de")), 
      quanteda::stopwords(language = c("fr")), 
      quanteda::stopwords(language = c("it"))

# Function for yearly keyness
get_keyness_per_year <- function(year, n = 30, dfm) {
  dfm %>% 
    quanteda::textstat_keyness(target = quanteda::docvars(dfm, "year") == year) %>% 
    dplyr::top_n(n, chi2) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(year = year)

# Calculate keyness for 2014-2019
dt_keyness <- purrr::map_dfr(2014:2019, get_keyness_per_year, n = 30, dfm = dt_dfm)

# Plot
dt_keyness %>% 
  ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(label = feature, size = chi2, alpha = chi2^(1/2))) +
  ggwordcloud::geom_text_wordcloud_area() +
  ggplot2::scale_size_area(max_size = 14) +


Collection of speeches in the Swiss Parliament since 1999.