zuitu / toolchain4_cygwin

iPhone toolchain4 for cygwin

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Cygwin iPhone Toolchain 4

1.  Install cygwin in Windows http://cygwin.com/install.html
    Choose Admin, Archive, Base, Devel, Libs, Net, Python, System, Utils, Web

2.  Launch cygwin
    Clone Project
    cd /
    git clone git://github.com/javacom/toolchain4_cygwin.git toolchain4

    Download pre-built gcc & cctools from http://www.2shared.com/file/nctMF-IN/toolchain4_cygwintar.html to /
    Install gcc & cctools
    tar xjvf /toolchain4_cygwin.tar.bz2 -C / 

3.  Install as_driver
    cd /toolchain4/as_driver
    cd /usr/bin
    mv as.exe i686-pc-cygwin-as.exe
    cp -p /toolchain4/as_driver/as_driver.exe as.exe
    ln -s /toolchain4/pre/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-as.exe .
    mv ld.exe i686-pc-cygwin-ld.exe
    cp -p /toolchain4/as_driver/as_driver.exe ld.exe
    ln -s /toolchain4/pre/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-ld.exe .

4.  Put iPhoneOS4.2.pkg to /toolchain4/sdks/ (see toolchain4 wiki)
    build xar
    ./toolchain.sh xar

    see Wiki if problems on building xar

    then put iPhoneSDK4_2.pkg to /toolchain4/sdks/
    Use ./toolchain.sh buildsys
    to build sys

    Put iPhoneSDKHeadersAndLibs_32.pkg & MacOSX10.5.pkg to /toolchain4/sdks/
    ./toolchain.sh build32
    to build sys32

    Put iPhoneSDK5_0.pkg to /toolchain4/sdks/
    Use ./toolchain.sh buildsys50
    to build sys50

5.  Install clang in cygwin
    mkdir /toolchain4/src
    cd /toolchain4/src
    svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm
    cd llvm/tools
    svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk clang
    mkdir /toolchain4/bld
    cd /toolchain4/bld 
    make install
    clang -v

6.  Test iOS4 sample code
    cd /toolchain4/Projects/LocalPush
    make dist
    (LocalPush.app & LocalPush.ipa will be in build/4.0/ folder)

7.  Checkout the updated UICatalog in svn here
    svn checkout http://apiexplorer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/UICatalog UICatalog-read-only
    cd UICatalog-read-only 
    make -f Makefile.ios4 
    make -f Makefile.ios4 dist
    (Then install the build/4.0/UICatalog.ipa to iPhone for testing)


Instructions to add theos build system to toolchain4_cygwin

1.  Installation
    cd /toolchain4
    git clone git://github.com/DHowett/theos.git theos
    mv /toolchain4/theos/include /toolchain4/theos/include.bak
    cd /toolchain4/theos/templates
    git clone git://github.com/DHowett/theos-nic-templates.git theos-nic-templates
    cd /toolchain4/theos
    git clone git://github.com/rpetrich/iphoneheaders.git include
    for FILE in /toolchain4/theos/include.bak/*.h; do mv $FILE /toolchain4/theos/include/; done
    rmdir /toolchain4/theos/include.bak
    cp /toolchain4/Projects/IOSurfaceAPI.h /toolchain4/theos/include/IOSurface/.
    cp /toolchain4/pre/bin/ldid.exe /toolchain4/theos/bin/.
    cp /toolchain4/Projects/common.mk /toolchain4/theos/makefiles/.
    cp /toolchain4/Projects/libsubstrate.dylib /toolchain4/theos/lib/.

2.  This is how to create theos project
    cd /toolchain4/Projects

3.  Test iOS5 sample notification center widget (requires sys50)
    cd /toolchain4/Projects/widgettest/
    make && make stage deb

4.  Test mobilesubstrate extension (requires sys32)
    cd /toolchain4/Projects
    git clone git://github.com/DHowett/preferenceloader.git preferenceloader
    cd /toolchain4/Projects/preferenceloader
    cp /toolchain4/Projects/Makefile_for_preferenceloader Makefile
    make && make stage deb



iPhone toolchain4 for cygwin