ztz818 / Auto-programming


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HEAD :: [int] -> int
Given an array, returns its first element (or NULL if the array is empty).
LAST :: [int] -> int
Given an array, returns its last element (or NULL if the array is empty).
TAKE :: int -> [int] -> int
Given an integer n and array xs, returns the array truncated after the n-th element.
DROP :: int -> [int] -> int
Given an integer n and array xs, returns the array with the first n elements dropped
ACCESS :: int -> [int] -> int
Given an integer n and array xs, returns the (n+1)-st element of xs.
MINIMUM :: [int] -> int
Given an array, returns its minimum (or NULL if the array is empty).
MAXIMUM :: [int] -> int
Given an array, returns its maximum (or NULL if the array is empty).
REVERSE :: [int] -> [int]
Given an array, returns its elements in reversed order.
SORT :: [int] -> [int]
Given an array, return its elements in non-decreasing order.
SUM :: [int] -> int
Given an array, returns the sum of its elements. (The sum of an empty array is 0.)

Higher-order functions:

MAP :: (int -> int) -> [int] -> [int]
Given a lambda function f mapping from integers to integers, and an array xs, returns the array resulting from applying f to each element of xs.
FILTER :: (int -> bool) -> [int] -> [int]
Given a predicate f mapping from integers to truth values, and an array xs, returns the elements of xs satisfying the predicate in their original order.
COUNT :: (int -> bool) -> [int] -> int
Given a predicate f mapping from integers to truth values, and an array xs, returns the number of elements in xs satisfying the predicate.
ZIPWITH :: (int -> int -> int) -> [int] -> [int] -> [int]
Given a lambda function f mapping integer pairs to integers, and two arrays xs and ys,returns the array resulting from applying f to corresponding elements of xs and ys. The length of the returned array is the minimum of the lengths of xs and ys.
SCANL1 :: (int -> int -> int) -> [int] -> [int]
Given a lambda function f mapping integer pairs to integers, and an array xs, returns an array ys of the same length as xs and with its content defined by the recurrence

INT-INT :(+1), (-1), (2), (/2), ((-1)), (**2), (*3), (/3), (4),(/4)
INT-BOOL : (>0), (<0), (%2==0), (%2==1)
INT-INT-INT : (+), (-), (




我们需要用到的数据集是一个三元组{P,A,M} P代表程序,A代表属性,M代表输入输出示例


在深度学习模块的训练阶段,我们把input-output集合M作为网络的输入,把属性集合A 通过one-hot成一个1*34维的向量,每个位置上的数值为1代表程序中将包含这条指令或操作数,为0代表不包含。

如:1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

深度学习模块的结构如下: image



下图是实验测试500个测试用例训练网络后结果的混淆矩阵。可以看到程序的属性得到很好的预测。 image

